V.S.O.P : Prolouge

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Heather Amour Smith


What did I do to deserve this? Can someone please fill me in cause I really don't know. I live in a two bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, yea were poor. Not to mention it's filled with four people, I have three brothers Shaun being the oldest is 19 then comes Mike he's 15, then there's Brian He's only a couple months, he's also the youngest out of the bunch. Now on to my sister Nicole she's 17, then there's me I'm 16. So there you have it that's my family but that's not the reason I'm complaining. The problem is my mother's good for nothing boyfriend Blake. All he does is sit on his behind and do nothing all day, he doesn't even have job he's catered to day in and day out it's ridiculous, oh yea there's one more thing I forgot to mention, he's abusive. Every night he would wait until my mother goes to work to mess with me. If you're wondering where my siblings are I'll tell you. Nicole is at the basketball court practicing for whatever, the boys are with their friends they don't really come home until it's around three or four in the morning. So that just leaves me and Brian all alone. Brian started to cry after a while, I guess he was hungry so I put him down on the bed and went to the kitchen to fix him a bottle, on my way over I saw Blake sitting in the lazy boy chair which is his usual spot. I looked over and saw him staring at me. I just ignored him and continued walking to the kitchen. I finished making Brian's bottle and walked back into the crammed room, he was still crying so I picked him up sat on the floor and fed him his bottle, his crying was starting to fade. Once he was sleep I placed him in his crib, thank god we at least had room for that. I walked out the room to go get something to drink and of course Blake was staring.

"Get me something to drink." He demanded

I glared at him and got him the same thing I had which was ice tea.

"Here." I said handing him the drink.

He snatched it and sipped some, by look on his face I could tell he wasn't happy.

"What the hell is this?" he said with his face all balled up.

"Tea." I said nonchalantly

"Did I ask for this?"

"You asked for something to drink and that's what I did, so -"

"Who you think you talking to?" he asked standing up.

I looked down at the ground.

"That's what I thought, now go and get me something else to drink."

I turned around and he smacked my behind. Ugh he's so disgusting. I rolled my eyes, walked back into the kitchen and brought him back a drink. I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"Where you think you going?" he asked

"Back in the room."

"Naw you gon sit out here with me."

"But I don't want to." I said trying to slip out of his grip but all he did was tighten it.

"Sit down."

He sat down and pulled me down onto his lap. If only y'all knew how uncomfortable this was. He drink down some more beer and stroked my legs.

"Why do you do this to me?" he asked slurring his words.

"Do what?" I asked in a whisper completely oblivious as to what he was talking about.

"Look at me like that."

I wanted to say because you disgust me but I just kept my mouth shut.

"Those big beautiful brown eyes." He said lightly stroking my face.

I moved away a little. He snatched my face back.

"Those soft full lips." He said rubbing his finger across the bottom of my lip.

"You're so beautiful." He said breathing down my neck. I tried to get up but he yanked me back down. Will he please let me go.

"Stop moving." He said with aggravation seeping through his voice, He continued.

"The things I could do to you." He said squeezing my thighs. Ok I've had enough. I snatched his hands off me and tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"Where you think you going?"

"Let me go." I said trying to get him to loosen his grip.

"No, you my property. I tell you what to do."

I started crying his grip was too tight.

"Stop, you're hurting me."

"I don't give a damn." He shouted.

He threw me to the ground walked over and punched me in my face.

"You my property you hear me?" he shouted

He continued to say that as he beat me. This is something no one and I mean no one should have to deal with. But hey I guess we all can't have a fairy tale lifestyle, I just hope this doesn't last forever.

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