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Colorful Boy

Four years has passed since the incident. Dean never got an answer as to why all he sees are shades and not colors. His parents thought that he was making it up so they laughed and Dean felt embarrassed so he faked a laugh and told them he was joking. He never told Sam about it though. He didn't want him to worry.

He missed seeing colors. He tried remembering the colors of the fireworks the night of the accident. He tried remembering Sam's bright orange toy car. He tried remembering the yellow flowers outside their treehouse. He tried to remember the green grass out in their front lawn that he and Sam used to lie down on and watch the clouds and the pale blue sky. He tried to remember the purple gem on his mother's necklace that glimmered when her eyes did. He tried, attempted, and failed to see or imagine those colors again, they just end up being black and white. The only color Dean remembers, or rather one he could still imagine, was the blue in that mysterious boy's eyes. That was the last color he saw before his eyes added the black and white filter. He longed to see those bright blue eyes again.

It's Monday and Dean started his second year in high school and it sucks just as much as the first year. One, it's because Sam isn't with him. Two, because he has no one he actually considers a friend. And three, the black and white thing still pisses him off. He walks through the doors and into a living hell. Dean picks up his schedule at the counselors'.

1st: Science
2nd: Gym
3rd: Math
4th: English
5th: Study period
6th: History

Side note: Mondays and Wednesdays (Per. 1, 2, & 3)
Tuesdays and Thursdays (Per. 4, 5, & 6)
Friday (all periods)

Dean shrugged and just went straight to his first period class. As he walked through the door, he picked a seat in the back next to a long-haired girl on her laptop.

She looked up and smiled. "What's up? Name's Charlie Bradbury." She extended her hand towards Dean. "Winchester. Dean Winchester." He shook her hand and smiled at her. "Whatcha doing there, Charlie?" Dean glanced at her laptop. "Nothing, I'm just trying to hack into this new game that's supposed to come out in two months." He raised an eyebrow. "Can't you just wait until the game actually comes out?" She looks at me from her screen. "Yeah but I would be the only one who has the game so I can charge people if they want it. No one's gonna want it if the games already out." Dean thought that was pretty clever. The bell rang and she quickly put her laptop away.

"Great," Dean thought, "Let hell begin another year."

~Time skip: Lunch~

Dean sat next to Charlie during lunch. He took a bite out of a cheeseburger and glanced up and for a split second, he swore he saw colors.

"Okay so I tracked the game company...." Charlie trailed off. She noticed Dean seemed distracted. "Um, hello? Earth to Dean?" She waved a hand over his face. Dean blinked.

"Oh yeah, sorry, I thought I saw something." Dean tried looking around the cafeteria looking for anything but gray. He couldn't find the colors, he knew it was too good to be true. He sighed and then the bell rang.

"Oh well, I gotta go to History, peace out Dean." Charlie left and Dean was alone again. He walked towards his last class of the day, math. He went over to the 1200 building and entered the door with 1202 engraved onto it. Dean opened the door and sat on the seat he was in last year. He had the same class the year before but this time, there was a new teacher. A couple minutes passed and students piled into the room in groups, that was when he saw the most amazing thing he's ever seen in years. Dean saw a colorful boy walk into the room. He had dark hair and was about Dean's height, if not shorter. Dean looked at his tan muscled arms that were exposed due to his short sleeves. He noticed his shirt was burgundy, just like the color of the flannel Dean wore four years ago on the Fourth of July, the day of his accident. The thing that Dean mostly noticed about the colorful boy was that he had blue eyes. Dean recognized those eyes, he couldn't forget them. It was the only color he could remember for the past four years.

During the entire class time, Dean was distracted by the colorful boy, which he found out his name was Jimmy. He was amazed by all the color that was radiating off him. Everything continued being black and white except for him. He was all Dean was focusing on the whole time, hell, he still doesnt even know the new teacher's name. The bell had rung and out went Jimmy. Dean quickly got up and followed him. If everyone didn't look like they came out of an old television set, he would've lost Jimmy in the crowd. He kept his eye on him until he heard a honk and saw his dad in his '67 Chevy Impala with Sam in the backseat. He hoped on shotgun and watched Jimmy walking until he couldn't see him anymore. Dean was back to his black, white, and sad world.

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