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Four years ago...

    "Dean, please wake up." little eight-year-old Sammy cried as he looks at his unconscious brother covered in cuts, bruises, and blood. John and Mary Winchester watched as their oldest son was being pulled in a gurney and into a room. Doctors and nurses surrounded him. They covered Dean's wounds and stopped any bleeding, they cleaned his cuts and gave him stitches. Everything was happening all at once.

Hours later, Sam's head was still lying on his mother's lap as his tears flow down. Mary strokes her son's hair but she stares off to nothing and the tears continue fall down. John's tears begin to overflow and be buried his face in his hands. They were just given the news that their son wouldn't make it. Both parents felt like their hearts broke and an empty hole took place. Little Sammy had it worse, he felt like his whole world vanished- no, he felt as if it had been crumbled into a million little pieces. Dean was everything to him. He was a mom, a dad, a brother, and a best friend all at the same time. He felt like he had just lost everything.

Castiel, an angel of the lord, heard a prayer asking to save Dean, make sure he's makes it out of that hospital alive and healthy and to be protected by an angel. That prayer was from eight-year-old little Sammy. He lied in bed crying, not being able to sleep.

He remembered the events that day, before the accident. Dean woke Sam up and gave him potato chips in a bowl and called it breakfast. They watched cartoons and played board games. Then Dean told Sam to take a shower before so they can go the tree house. Sam denied and Dean got angry and Sam got mad at him. After Sam stayed in his room for half an hour, Dean walked into the room with a stuffed tiger and gave it to Sam and apologized for being so mean. Sam hugged his big brother and apologized about how he was acting earlier. Then they got ready to go to the tree house.

Sam kept reliving the day over and over again. Then he remembered what happened when the accident occured. He was playing around with the sparkler Dean gave him and he was just dancing and waving it around when he saw the firecracker head straight toward him. He couldn't move, he was frozen and his feet wouldn't move. Then suddenly, he was pushed and he felt arms wrap around his body and his head and they were rolling. The hill was pretty steep so they rolled pretty fast. Sam felt Dean bounced against the concrete and then they abruptly stopped. Sam heard a loud thud then a car alarm going off afterwards. He looked up, only to see his brother unconscious with blood coming from his head, nose, mouth, and his right eye. His clothes were ripped and blood could be seen soaking through the cloth. His jeans had been torn and there was blood going down his knee to his shoes. Sam started to cry and yell out his brother's name. Soon after the car alarm went off, someone called for an ambulance. They took in Dean and Sam only had a few cuts and bruises. About twenty minutes later, he sees his parents storming into the building. They told them they couldn't come in just yet. After hours later, a doctor walks towards the family and tell them that Dean got hit by the firecracker at the right side of his temple and he hit his head a lot of times while he was rolling down and he just passed out when his head cane in contact with the car. Most of his major injuries were the head injuries and Dean wasn't strong enough to fight it. They said he was too young and his skull broke easily. They stayed in Dean's room until visiting hours were over. Sam cried so much, it hurt a lot.

Castiel read Sam's mind and found out what happened. He felt bad for the young boy. He heard Sam asking for an angel to watch over his brother and to make sure he never get hurt again. Castiel went to the hospital and into Dean's room. Dean had his eyes closed and was breathing through a tube. Even with the breathing tube, he knew he was dying slowly. Castiel used his powers to heal Dean's wounds and internal injuries. Dean was healed, although Castiel left some of the minor injuries alone so the doctors dont get suspicious. Some of those injuries included a broken arm, a deep cut on his leg, and his vision. Castiel partially healed his eyes but he made sure he couldn't see any colors. He wants Dean to be able to see colors from him and only him. That would make it easy for Dean to find his guardian angel.

Two days later, Dean woke up. Although no one could see him, Castiel was in the room when Dean awoke. Sam ran up to Dean and thanked him for risking his life for his brother's. Castiel saw Dean cry and he knew it was because of Dean's new way of looking at the world. Dean didn't like it and Castiel knew. He looked at the family one last time before returning to heaven where he will be watching over Dean Winchester.

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