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It's All Fun and Games

    Dean wore his signature look: dark jeans, dark shirt, and topping it off with a dark flannel. Sam wore jeans and a sweater. He grew really fond of sweaters, he liked how they kept him warm and that they're so huge on him.

    While Dean got ready, he noticed his eyes became a darker shade of green. He remembered when he used to have pale greens like Sam's. He also noticed that unlike his brother, he was barely tan and his hair was a darker dirty blonde. After Dean changed his clothes, he modeled a bit in the mirror, just to observe how he looked. He and Sam grabbed an apple and headed off.

    Since Dean was old enough to drive, he borrowed his dad's car and they drove off to the mall. They walked around for hours, window shopping, looking at flannels, and going to the candy store. Dean was amazed by all the colors he saw, especially at the candy store. He got M&M's and a Hershey's bar while Sam got Kit Kat and a bag full of Kisses. After leaving the mall, Dean drove the both of them to an amusement park.

    "Mmm. Sam, these burgers are awesome!" Dean said with his mouthful while Sam chewed on his fries. The two boys have been riding rollercoasters and playing arcade games all day. They even rock climbed and played laser tag. They were beat. After their meal, Sam and Dean were sitting at the front of the Impala and watching the sun set. Dean forgot about the different colors the sky changed when the sun is on the horizon. There were pink, red, and orange all mixed into the sky and it looked as if it was painted by an artist. The sun had set completely and Dean ordered another burger and fries for to-go. They got their food and drove back to their house. All Dean was thinking about was all the colors he had seen today. How some colors blended in well with other colors and the patterns created by different colored lines and stripes.

    At that moment, a huge truck came rolling backwards towards the Impala with the two Winchester brothers inside.

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