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Waking Up to Colors

    Castiel knew what he did to Dean was wrong. He shouldn't have altered his memory just to protect his and his brother's identities. He felt guilty for altering his memory but it was for the best. He decided to make it up to him, by letting him have colors for maybe a week. It's the least he could do for causing Dean so much in the last four years. He teleported into Dean's room. Dean was sleeping soundly in his bed with soft snores escaping his mouth. Castiel touched his forehead then left the room.

    The next morning, Dean woke up to colors. He saw the blue walls and his blue bed. He looked through his closet and sees the red, green, and blue christmas presents sitting in the corner and the different colored and patterned flannels and sweaters. He leaned against the wall and slid down. He started smiling and looking around his entire room. He hasn't seen room in color for a long time. Then he realized something. He san't seen Sam in color yet.

    Dean rushed into Sam's room. Sam was asleep in his bed like a little five-year-old. Dean notice he was wearing a red shirt with batman pajama pants. His long chocolate brown hair covers his eyes and his naturally pale face had pink tinted on his cheeks. He grins at his younger brother then heads towards the curtains. He yanked them apart and jumped on Sam's bed.

    "Rise and shine, Sammy!" Dean jumped on Sam's bed and shook him awake. His green eyes looking all around his room, just to find his older brother pouncing on him. He rolled his eyes and fell back on his bed.

    "Dean. Get off my bed or I'll murder you." Sam mumbled with his head buried in his pillow.

    "Come on, Sammy! It's a beautiful, colorful Saturday! Let's do something!" Dean continues jumping on Sam's bed and hitting his brother with a pillow.

    Sam knocked his brother off his bed with a pillow in one swing and Dean landed on his side. "If I agree to go somewhere with you, will you write my english essay?" Dean rolled his eyes but agreed. Sam shot up and pushed Dean out of his room. "I'll be down in 15 minutes." Dean smiled and then got ready.

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