Twenty Three

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Sweet Dreams

    "You guys gonna sleep over tonight?"

    "Why not?" Castiel smiled at Dean. Dean looked at Castiel and admired him for a bit. He smiled then proceeded to walk forward. Dean was thinking about what happened at the ice rink. When Castiel caught him, it was almost like in slow motion. He was lost in Castiel's blue eyes and then he glanced at his lips for a quick second before staring at his eyes again. Dean wondered what it would be like to kiss them.

    "Dean! Earth to Dean! Are you even alive anymore?!" Sam kept trying to get Dean's attention.

    "Huh, what?"

    "What's with your ears today? It's like you've been deaf all day. First it was this morning, then it was at McDonald's, and then now?"

    "Wait when did you talk to me at McDonald's?"

    "My point exactly." Sam had his hand on his hip. "I asked if I could get white hot chocolate and obviously you didn't hear me."

    "Oh, sorry Sammy."

    "You better be." They approached the house and they took turns taking showers. Gabriel and Castiel showered first, Gabriel showered in Sam's bathroom and Castiel showered in Dean's. While they were in the bathroom, Sam and Dean decided to sleep in the bedrooms tonight since sleeping in the living room last night was a wreck in the morning. They prepared dinner, which was just macaroni and cheese since Dean didn't have enough time to make a better meal. He cleaned up the living room and put the blankets away while Sam prepared the table. As Dean enters his room to put the pillows away, he saw Castiel with just a towel wrapped loosely around his hips.

    "Crap, sorry Cas." Dean shut the door and face-palmed himself multiple times. He can't believe he saw that much of Castiel. Even though he only had a quick glimpse of it, he saw enough to know that he is well tanned and is very muscular. He assumed that Castiel just got out of the shower considering his hair was still wet. Even though he wasn't supposed to see anything, he was glad he did.

    Five minutes later, Castiel comes out of bedroom with a dark blue shirt and gray sweats. Dean jumped into the shower and kept slapping his face for being so stupid. He finished his shower minutes later and rushed downstairs.

    "Yeah! Mac and cheese!"

    They all took their own bowls and sat on the couch. They started watching World War Z and ate their dinner in silence. Sam and Gabriel have been clingy and Dean and Castiel sat next to each other with a small space in between.

    The movie ended and they all headed upstairs. Sam had a bunk bed and he slept on top while Gabriel slept on the bottom. Dean, on the other hand, only had one bed and they didn't have an air bed or a spare mattress.

    "You can sleep on the bed, the floor's pretty comfortable." Dean lie some blankets on the floor. Castiel felt guilty that he was letting Dean sleeping on the floor and he gets the comfy bed. He insisted on sleeping on the floor instead of Dean, but Dean said he was alright.

    "Are you sure?"

    "Yes, Cas. It's like the tenth time you asked me. I'm fine sleeping on the floor, it's not like it's my first time sleeping on the floor." Dean was already on the floor and he was staring up at Castiel, who was sitting at the edge of Dean's twin-sized bed. Castiel pressed his lips together. He didn't want to leave Dean on the floor but if they continued arguing, they would've fought all night.

    "Alright, Goodnight Dean." Castiel turned to his side and stayed close to one side of the bed.

    "Goodnight, Cas." Dean reached over to turn off the light and lie down on his left side. Ten minutes passed and both boys were still awake. Castiel heard Dean get up and make his way to Castiel. "Cas? You awake?" Castiel didn't answer, he pretended to be asleep to avoid the question. Then he felt Dean fill the empty space on the other side of the bed. He soon heard light snores from the jaded green eyed boy then turned around to face him. He admired his freckles and his long eyelashes. His spiky hair and pink lips. Castiel continued letting his eye wander around the sleeping figure in front of him. He eventually dosed off and dreamt about Dean.

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