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Toni Pov
Today I woke up with the sun in my face
I get up and look out the window at the sky knowing its going to be a beautiful day,maybe I will do some shopping and spend sometime with the boys but why do I have a feeling this day is not going to end well? As I get out the shower and do my hair my cell rings I run to answer it....

Answering Cell : Hey Lisa what's up?
Lisa: Hey Toni just wanted to remind you,you have a meeting with Babyface @ 10am and you are having lunch with Towanda @ 1pm Denim has football practice @ 4 and Diezel has a soccer game @ 7
Toni: Ok thanks Lisa, hopefully things will go smooth today and I won't be late lol
Lisa: lol call or text me if you need me to do anything
Toni: Thanks luv will talk to you later
I get dressed and get my boys off to school they are doing so well I'm a proud mom Diezel is in middle and Denim is in high school. As I drop the boys off I'm thinking to myself what couldBabyface have to talk to me about ? This traffic is crazy

Babyface Pov
Today I have a meeting with Toni to talk to her about doing another album she hasn't been out since taking a break in 2007 cause of health reasons but it's time for her to get back out there her fans are waiting...

Babyface: (buzz assistant) Hey Amber I'm expecting Toni Braxton @ 10 for a meeting will you let me know when she gets here I will be in the studio

Amber: Yes Sir I will let you know when she's here

Babyface sat in the studio trying different sounds and writing lyrics to a song that he was just playing around with waiting on Toni to come in...

Toni Pov
Almost there just need to get me some coffee to jumpstart my day so I stop at Starbucks and I get back on the road to head to Babyface studio looking at the clock it's 9:50am glad it wasn't a long line at Starbucks as I pull up to the studio my cell rings I look down at its Keri what could he want? Should I answer or send him to voice mail?

Sending Keri to voicemail looking at the clock I'm right on time

Babyface Studio

Amber: Kenny Toni is here to see you

Babyface: Thanks Amber send her in I'm in my office

Toni : Hi Kenny (hugging him) how have you been?

Toni Pov
I haven't seen Kenny since my last show in Vegas, walking in the studio today brought back memories from when we started in Atlanta work with him and L.A. with all the creativity and fun with had making hits those were some great days and Kenny looks great and smells so good! Im wonder what he wants to talk to me about?

Babyface : I'm doing great just been busy with new artist making #1 hits I'm so glad you could make this meeting with me I have missed seeing you here us working together on your music

Babyface Pov
I haven't seen Toni since Vegas she looks great and smells so good What Toni doesn't know is that I have a plan to get her back to her back to doing what she loves and that's Singing! What would the world be without Toni Braxton!

Babyface: So Toni I was thinking about the last time I saw you was on stage in Vegas performing and how it gave you such a high hearing and touching your fans with songs we have created over the years
Do you remember that feeling?

Toni: Yes Kenny I do (he look so yummy)

Babyface: Toni,what do you think about you and I doing a album together? for the fans at least it's been a request since we did The Boomerang Soundtrack

Toni: I don't know Ken I will have to think about it,Maybe?

Babyface: you take all the time you need, (kisses her forehead) when you are ready call or text me anytime  I will look to hear from you soon

Toni Pov
Should I say yes or no? As I'm thinking about what Ken asked me I check my voice mail from Keri wonder what he could want we have been separated for a year now

Listening to Voice Mail :
Hey Toni this is Keri call me when you get chance I want to talk to you about something important

Headed to Lunch with Umba i need her opinion on the meeting I had with Ken and see what she says about me doing music again but before I head to lunch I need to go home and check my mail,when I get home there is a envelope on the steps as I pick it up and look at it, it says Williams & Patterson Attorney at Law WTH is this? Who is it from? I don't have a good feeling about this in my heart....

This is my first toniface book a big thank you to Malyaa for helping me does this

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