
597 28 19

Cedar Sinai Hospital

Babyface Pov
I wonder what is going on with Toni  could she be pregnant? Nah not at 40 if she is that would be a blessing

Toni and Babyface talked to the nurse about what just happen she runs some test ordered by the doctor they talk while waiting 

Toni: Ken I don't know what's wrong  I'm so  tired

Babyface: I'm sure whatever it is it's minor

Doctor walks in

Doctor: Ok Mrs Edmonds we ran a few test to see what's going on and surprisingly...

Toni: Surprisingly what?  You are scaring me

Doctor: At 40 yr old you are Pregnant!!!

Toni: Oh hell no!

Babyface: What?

Doctor: Yes I'm shocked too you are 2 months

Toni: I thought I was just picking up a little weight

Babyface: And I like it 😉

Toni: I'm sure you do ( hitting him)

Babyface:So what's the next step?

Doctor: Well because this is a high risk pregnancy we are going to monitor her every 3 weeks and have her take multi vitamins so let's get you a ultra sound

Toni: Thank you

Waiting on ultra sound

Babyface:So what are you thinking tone

Toni: Ken I can't think right now this is a lot we already have 4 kids at the house

Nurse:Ok gel is a little cold ok Mrs Edmonds there is your baby

Babyface:Heart beat strong

Toni: Yea it is I don't know what we are going to do Ken I'm getting to damn old lol

Babyface: Tone everything will be fine I promise

Toni Pov

Should I keep this baby.... If I do this is the last baby I'm tired this shop is closed

Babyface Pov
I'm not sure what Toni is thinking but whatever it is I will support her 100%

What should Toni do?

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