Hurt You

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Keri Pov
I hope Toni understand that I'm only leaving to get back on my feet I haven't been able to get a job since we separated,so I need this job in Atlanta getting back with the band was good idea now I just need to make arrangements to see my boys Oh yea I forgot to tell Toni about the divorce papers I hope that she's not mad,I mean it has been a year

(Keri Cell Rings)

Keri: Hello

Toni: Keri why the hell are you sending me divorce papers? (Angry)

Keri: Because Toni we have been separated for a year and yes we went out on a few dates 2 months ago and

Toni: and what Keri?

Keri: I have met someone

Toni: (shocked) Really? So soon is it the same chick you cheated on me with?

Keri:( says nothing)

Toni: Say something Keri (angry)

Keri: No it's not and I'm sorry for cheating on you but its...

Toni: it's who?

Toni Pov
Before Keri could answer I was think of all the women he cheated on me with, that hurt me so bad I would never cheat on him I loved him with my all I don't know what I did to deserve that I was a good wife to him a damn good wife!

Keri: Toni before I say who it is I just want to say the day I married you that was the best day of my life and I was over the moon when I found out we were having boys I felt like my life was complete and you are the best mother and wife in the world but there was something missing ...

Toni: (still angry ) and what was that?

Keri: LOVE ! Don't get me wrong I did love you but I wasn't in love with you like you were with me

Toni: (feels hurt,starts to cry) what are you serious?

Toni pulls into the parking lot of the school
She sits in the car to finish talking to Keri

Keri: I'm sorry Toni I never meant to hurt you it was just you looked at the marriage like a fairytale and in reality it was not and you know it

Toni: I loved you with all my heart I cooked cleaned kept myself in shape took time off to get married and have Your kids plus worked hard to put food on the table working months at a time touring and recording the world and what did you do? You fucked it all up by cheating on me and broke up our family damn you why Keri why?

Keri: (says nothing)

Toni: you know what I can't talk to you no more! I'm at the school for the boys game
And I need time to collect myself before they see me upset and start asking questions plus I need to have a talk with them about the divorce and you leaving I will text you later

Keri: I understand talk to you later

Both hang up without saying bye

Toni Pov

Screaming in the car trying to let all my anger out and whipping my face of any tears left but the joke is on Keri I got something for his ass. I hear a knock on my car window and I look up to see it was a fan wanting a autograph and a picture my fans always make me happy when I see or hear they still want to see me perform or just want me to retweet a tweet they sent me or just to take selfie with them. Taking the picture with the fan really cheered me up by the time I was done with the fan Denim and Diezel came running to the car from Denim practice wanting to get a snack before Diezel soccer game.

In the car

Denim: so mom how was your day?

Toni: It was good had a meeting at the studio today with Babyface and had lunch with your auntie Wanda and I talked to your dad

Diezel: you talked to dad mom?

Toni: yea

At the same time what did he want?

(Pulling up to Wendy's )

Toni ignores the boys question and orders food

Wendy's Drive- Thuru
Welcome to Wendy's order when you are ready
Toni: I would like (2) 4 for $4 please make the drinks a Sprite and add a water and a frosty to please that will be all
Thank you please pull up to the next window for your total

Toni payed for the meal and drove home until Diezels game at 7 the car ride home was silent then at home Denim asked Toni again about what their dad said on the phone...

Toni takes a deep breath and exhale
Toni: Boys I need to talk to you about the conversation between your father and I

Boys: ok mom what's going on

Toni: Today your dad called me and said he's moving to Atlanta to get back with the band and we are also getting a divorce

Diezel : this sucks

Denim: it's ok we don't need him he hurt you mom

Toni: I'm going to be fine, we are going to be fine we will get through this together
But I want y'all to continue to have a relationship with him ok?

Boys: ok just for you we will do that

Toni hug the boys and they go to their room

Toni Pov
Keri doesn't know he as a hard fight ahead of him I have something for him he has no idea how bad things are going to be for him for now on ( get text from cell)

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