The Unexpected

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Toni Pov

Today me mommy and the girls go to Lèzu's in L.A. for the bride maid dresses and my dress I'm so happy me and Ken have set a date and I can't for that day to come it's going to be beautiful

Babyface Pov

Today me and the kids are going to have a day together whatever they want to do is fine with me long as they are happy I'm just glad the Nanny is going to help me while Toni go look at dresses all I want to do is show up and say I do but I know it's not that easy but no matter what it's going to be beautiful

Before Toni put her clothes on her cell rings It's the Atlanta Police

Toni: Hello?

Officer:May I speak to Ms Braxton

Toni: This is she

Officer: This is Officer Jackson from the Atlanta Police Department,Do you know a Keri Lewis?

Toni: Yes that's my ex-husband we have two children together , Is something wrong?

Officer: Yes I'm sorry to inform you but late last night he was killed in a car accident on I-285 I'm sorry for your loss (hangs up)

Toni screams and cry into the phone
Babyface hears Toni he runs upstairs to the bedroom to finds Toni sitting against the wall on the floor crying

Babyface: Baby what's wrong?

Toni: (screaming) Keri is dead!

Babyface:What? What happen?

Toni: Car Accident

Babyface tries to consoles Toni

Toni: What I'am I going to tell my babies
How am I going to tell them their father is dead

Babyface: Don't worry Tone I will talk to them

Toni: Thanks baby I don't know what I would do with out you

Babyface:(kisses toni)We will get through this together

Toni Pov
This is hurting me so bad inside because he's my wasband and yes I know I did something bad to him before he left but I would never wish death on anyone and he's the father of my boys they are going to be devastated I need to call my mom

Calling mom

Ms E: Hey little girl what's going on

Toni: (crying) mom I just got a call that Keri was killed in a car accident last night

Ms E: Oh God baby I'm sorry to hear that

Toni:Mom what am I going to do

Ms E: Ask God to give you strength to get through this and he will

Toni:Ok mom I will I love you talk to you later

Ms E: I love you talk to you later

Toni calls the girls to tell them what happen and that they would get together another day for the dresses

Babyface goes to talk to the boys about Keri the boys take it hard

Toni calls her assistant to ask her help with planning  the funeral

This is one sad day

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