Never Just for a Ring

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Toni Pov

I look at my phone to see who text me
It was Keri what the hell do you want now
Not a damn thing oh but just wait game on!

Text from Keri

Keri: Toni I'm sorry about earlier putting so much stress on you

Toni: so now you care about me? Please🙄

Keri: I will always care about you are the mother of my children

Toni: oh cry me a river😑

Keri: I know you hate me

Toni: I do 😒

Keri: I'm leaving Friday and I wanted to come by to see my boys and take them out to eat is that ok with you?

Toni: you wasn't thinking about them when you cheated on me! why now?and sent me those divorce papers sounds like to me you are moving on

Keri: I don't have to be with you to spend time with my kids damn it Toni please 😡matter of fact bitch I have moved on I have a BOYFRIEND and that's the other reason I'm moving to Atlanta

Toni: You have a what? (Heart sinks to stomach)

Keri: That's right I'm bisexual

Toni: how long have you been with him?

Keri: 4 months

Toni Pov
Omg Keri just dropped a bomb shell just now he just told me he's bisexual and they have been together for 4months that means when we went on that date 2 months ago he was already with him and on top of that we had sex that night it was just like before we split I thought he still loved me and wanted to work it out then I didn't here from him until yesterday and got the papers I need to go get tested

Toni: what's his name? How did y'all meet?

Keri: his name is Chris and we met at a bar
In Hollywood he's a hair stylist for the stars

Toni: Wait! Chris Jackson ? 😳

Keri: yea 😜 how do you know him?

Toni: we went out a few times in the 90s and did my hair for Unbreak my Heart

Keri: yea I know 😊

Toni: you know? Y'all been talking about me?

Keri: yes but only in a good way when he asked me did I have kids I said yes and your name he was excited and said he enjoyed working with you and is looking forward to seeing you soon😌

Toni:lmao 😂what a small world 🌎 you can come by Friday to see the boys but that's it I will prepare dinner here at my house we can't have one last family night together

Keri: Thank you Toni 😌
Toni: You are welcome 😈

Keri Pov
Toni is the best she took that better than I thought can't wait until Friday

Toni Pov
Keri has the right to move on with whoever he wants but what he doesn't know is Chirs is my cousin and he's not gay I set this whole thing up I paid him $50,000 to talk to Keri to see how far he would take things and by the time I'm finish with him he will be so hurt just like he hurt me my emotions are all over the place I want to cry laugh and be mad at the same time this is a roller coaster in need some air

Me and the boys go to Diezel soccer game

Phone Alerts a tweet....

I know this is a little different for Keri but see how it turns out

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