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Babyface Pov

I walk in my house smiling thinking about Toni and Peyton soon my smile fade as I see someone standing there talking to the Nanny I didn't recognize her with a blonde wig on and a wide frame as I close the door she turns around I realized my worst nightmare was right in front of me

Babyface: Nicole what the hell are you doing here?

Nicole: hey baby,I came here to see you and Peyton my daughter I haven't seen her in a year

Nicole starts coming towards Babyface for a hug he pushes her away Nicole has really let herself go

Babyface:1. I'm not your baby 2. You need to leave now! And never come back

Calls security to get Nicole out the house and off my property

Nicole: please Kenny I just want to hold her a little and give her a good night kiss

Babyface: Hell no! After what you did you better hope I don't call the police again

Babyface Flashback a Year ago

Nicole had been locked up in jail because one day I came to her place to visit Peyton I found the door cracked I hear Peyton crying and screaming to her lungs fearing the worst I run upstairs and find her next to Nicole who was in the bath tub and a empty prescription bottle I found them just in time Peyton she hadn't been feed nor had her diaper been changed I quickly picked her up to comfort her and I checked Nicole for a pulse I quickly called 911 the ambulance and the police came, after Nicole and Peyton was taken to the hospital I was questioned by police about what happen after I talked to them I went to the hospital to be with Peyton as I walked in the hospital I ask the receptionist where could I find Peyton and Nicole rooms I went to Peyton room first I was stopped CPS they told me after the doctor examined her he told them she had been not feed or washed up in days if I wouldn't have showed up when I did she would've died I was so angry with Nicole doing what ever to support her habit not caring about Peyton how could she do this to my little girl? I quickly go to her room she's alive after they pumped her stomach before I could walk in the doctor stops me asking me how long has Nicole been addicted to pain pills I told him right after she had Peyton she told me she had got help and stopped damn why did I believe her I trusted her with Peyton after the doctor talks to me CPS tell me that she will be in my custody until further notice meanwhile the police take Nicole to jail for  Child Neglect and a year in jail I ended up getting full custody from the judge.

Nicole: Kenny please!!!

Security is dragging Nicole out the house

Babyface:And never come back!!!! She's better off without you!!!!

Babyface Pov

I go to Peyton room and see my little princess sleeping peacefully she's so beautiful I'm not going to let nothing happen to you ever again you are my world

I go to my room to rest I think about Toni and dream a life with her

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