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 Finally the concert was over. The crowd cheered, calling for an encore. Too bad both you and Mettaton had already done two extra songs (one solo each, plus another duet). Much to the audience's disappointment you wove, huge smile plastered to your face, as you scampered of the stage daintily.

"Thank you everyone!" You cried into the microphone as you moved. "Have a great rest of the day!"

Then you were out of the horde of people's sights. You nearly collapsed with a sigh. That was your longest concert to date. But before you could even get your hands on a bottle of water you were swept into a massive, though rather crushing, robot hug.

"Darling you were absolutely fabulous!" Mettaton squealed, rubbing his cheek against yours.

"Thanks Met!" You managed to breath out. Mettaton was always one for hugs, and frankly his strength sometimes got the better of you. "You were pretty fabulous yourself."

He let go of your hands and spun you around in a circle. "That was one of our best performances to date! Did you see that crowd? They were absolutely raving! They love you!"

You let out a laugh, a faint blush dotting your cheeks. "I think they were more excited to see you then me."

"Nonsense!" Mettaton let out a gasp of shock. "They adore you!"

"Alright fine, they were excited to see both of us." You insisted. Mettaton huffed, and finally let go of your hands. Though you appreciated the praise, it still made you slightly uncomfortable. You still weren't used to being so in the spotlight. Regardless though, Mettaton's praises did make you a little happy and a lot proud. Mettaton flounced off to talk with some of the people backstage (those with VIP passes) and was rewarded with girly squeals. You knew you would need to go over there too, but first you had to check in with Chris.

He found you a moment later. "Excellent work (y/n)." He said, clapping you hard on the back. "Best show yet! We'll need to talk a bit about your schedule coming up, but after that you're free to go."

"Ok," You nodded. "Mind if I talk to the VIP's first?"

"Sure," He agreed, then walked off to take care of whatever left over business he had to attend too. You didn't really like to get in the nitty gritty of running the stage so you spun on your heel and headed over to Mettaton.

After fifteen minutes of squealing, shaking hands, taking pictures and signing various objects you were finally released from the VIP pack. It's not like you hated being fawned over by fans or interacting with them, but after a long concert it was a little trying.

Finally able to relax you let go of your perfect posture and took a few huge gulps of water. As you walked down the long hall leading to your dressing room, Mettaton glomped you again, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

"(y/n), darling, you simply must come to the party tonight!" He said, drawing out the words must and party.

"Party?" You asked, visibly confused. You weren't informed there was going to be a party tonight.

"Nothing huge dear, not even business related." He explained. "Just me a few close friends getting together to celebrate the release and success of our new CD." A CD which came out two days ago and had already sold out pretty much everywhere. Of course, Mettaton and I had gotten a few copies for ourselves free of charge. I still hadn't figured out what to do with mine. "They'd absolutely love to meet you."

"I don't know Met, you know how Mitchell feels about monsters." You sighed. Frankly you wanted to meet his friends. He'd told you a great deal about them, and they sounded like amazing people. Apparently, one of them was practically your biggest fan. Mettaton had been trying to drag you over to one of their "parties" since you met. But your fiance, Mitchell, stubbornly refused to let you go.

"Hmmmm." Mettaton frowned. "He wouldn't even let you come over for a few hours?"

"I don't think so. I can always ask but..."

"Well get him on the phone then! What are you waiting for?"

With a sigh you opened the door to your dressing room and headed over to your purse. You dug out your personal phone and hit the speed dial for Mitchell. He answered on the second ring.

"Where are you? I've been waiting outside for fifteen minutes." He snapped. Ever the impatient one, he was always on time to pick you up from a concert and hated waiting.

"Sorry Mitchell." You apologized. "You know it takes me at least a half hour to get out of the stadium." He huffed grumpily but didn't say anything more. "So hey, um, someone invited me to a small get together. Am I allowed to go?"

He didn't answer for a second and you chewed your lip nervously. Other than being ridiculously impatient Mitchell was also incredibly protective. You glanced at Mettaton while Mitchell debated, and smiled when he gave you a thumbs up with a bright smile followed by thumbs down with an expressive frown. He continued to repeat the gestures as your fiance finally answered. "Who exactly invited you?"

You sighed deeply, knowing you'd never be able to go now. "Mettaton."

"No." His answer was immediate. You sighed again and shook your head at Mettaton. He frowned deeply, holding the thumbs down.

"Come on Mitchell," You begged. "You can't keep me from hanging out with him forever. He's my co-worker. Please?"

"I can and will." He snapped, clearly angry. "You have fifteen minutes to get out here." With that he hung up before you could get another word in edgewise.

"No good huh?" Mettaton said sadly.

"Yeah, he's as stubborn as ever."

Just then Mettaton's cell phone began to ring. It was a ridiculous theme, something to do with spaghetti, and you wondered why he even had that programmed as a ringtone. He held up a one-second finger to me and answered cheerily. "Pap, honey! What can I do for you?" You tuned him out as he talked to "Pap" and got ready to leave. You were pretty sure Pap was the Papyrus Mettaton talked about a lot. Behind a partition you changed into casual clothes- a (f/c) knit sweater over dark blue jeans. You then proceeded to tuck your long (h/c) hair under a plain brown hat as to give yourself a bit of a disguise.

"Well darling I have to go! My ride's awaiting and I don't want to miss it!" Mettaton called as you slipped on a pair of black converse. "Let me know if your fiance changes his mind!"

"See you later Met." You called back. Without another word Mettaton exited the room and shut the door behind him. You were disappointed in your fiance's decision but you couldn't gain the nerve to go against him. He was there for you when no one else was, and you felt like you owed it to him to remain loyal. And you honestly did love him. As you headed out the door your phone buzzed, signalling a text. You expected it to be Mitchell, but instead was greeted by a picture of Mettaton making a frowny face with a wild looking group of people in the background. You knew these to be his friends, though you could only put a few faces to names. The caption under the picture read 'Wishing you were here darling!' You never could figure out how he got home so quickly.

With a sad smile on your face you trotted the distance to your fiance's car and wondered if for once you'd sneak out of house like a rebelling teenager.

*DISCONTINUED*  Can you hear me? [Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now