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 When you woke the next morning, your head was pounding. You groaned and rolled to one side, stomach threatening to heave. The feeling passed, and you were regretting every decision you made last night. It was not a good idea to drink that much alcohol. You tried to open your eyes, and were rewarded by a too bright light and pounding headache.

Yeah no, you weren't ever doing this again.

"feeling a little under the weather there, kitten?" Sans asked from somewhere beside you. You grumbled darkly and rolled over, pulling the blanket tighter around you shoulders. "heh, well it serves you right. here." You blinked a few times and peered over your shoulder at the short skeleton. He held out a glass of water and two pills in your direction. "i hope you don't mind, Toriel raided your medicine cabinet for these when she woke up."

"It's fine." You mumbled, taking the pills and gulping it down. "What time is it?"

"around noon. i already cleared out most of the place- Papyrus is still passed out over there." He waved his hand in the general direction of where Papyrus was sprawled out across the floor. Around him was a collection of pillows and blankets, no doubt left by the other partiers.

"Ug," You groaned. "Thanks."

"no problem."

An awkward silence descended after that. Sans didn't seem to know what to say, and you were busy trying to figure out if you'd done something weird in your drunken stupor. As you thought you started to remember the pocky game, kissing Sans cheek, and the embarrassing dancing display. You groaned and hid your face in your hands. If Mitchell ever found out you were so screwed.

"I am so sorry about last night."

"for what?"

"Everything. God I must have looked like such an idiot."

"nah, only a slight one." He grinned. You glared at him from the corner of your eye, embarrassment and shame flooding your system. "anyway, don't worry about it. everyone got a little crazy there."

Just then Papyrus groaned on the floor miserably, saving you from further embarrassment. Sans glanced over at him and sighed. "welp, i better get this guy home. think you'll be ok on your own?"

"I should be fine as long as the room stops spinning."

"heh, it should soon."

You watched as Sans made his way over to Papyrus, and threw one of the larger skeletons arms over his shoulder. He smiled at you one last time before the two of them disappeared completely. You groaned and lay back down on the couch, rubbing your hand over your face. When you pulled them away, you noticed them smeared with blue paint. Great. You'd forgotten to wash it off before you went to sleep. Luckily the paint was water soluble and would wash off any fabric fairly easily. And the couch you were on was made of of leather, so that would be easy to clean. Casting a disdainful eye across the room you noticed the mess you and your friends had made. It was going to take you forever to clean up. Unfortunately you wanted nothing more than to stay on that couch forever.

Logic soon got the better of you and you stood, knowing some coffee would help with your hangover. You quickly made a pot, and upon loading it up with cream and sugar got to work figuring out what exactly could be saved, and what could be disposed of.

Finishing up your coffee, you deposited the mug in the sink and headed for the shower. You stood in the nearly boiling stream for at least a half-hour before exiting and getting dressed. Then it was onto cleaning. Yay.

*DISCONTINUED*  Can you hear me? [Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now