Chapter Two

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Your POV

It's time to confess....

"I have something to tell you guys." I said sitting on the end of my bed. B/n sat next to me grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"I'm not attracted to guys.... I like girls." I said looking up from the floor and smiling.

"That's great (f/n)-chan!" Honey shouted and hugged me. I let out a laugh as I hugged him back.

There was a knock on my door. I looked to the open door to see Alastair.

"The bodies have arrived." He said sadly. Honey released me and everyone looked at B/n and I concerned. I nodded and pulled B/n up. I could see him tearing up.

"B/n. It'll be okay." I whispered to him. He nodded and we made our way through the hall. We wanted our parents to be buried near us. So we decided to have a cemetery next to our house. Yes creepy. But we wanted them close. The host club followed behind us looking scared. Well except for Kyoya and Mori of course.

The caskets were shut, but I wanted to see them.

"Open the caskets." I ordered.

Alastair gave me look.

"I want to see them. Please Alastair." I pleaded him. Alastair nodded and opened up the caskets along with Jackie. There lay my parents. They were pale now. It's not like they weren't before. They never got out much....

"Weren't they in the painting....." Haruhi said. I nodded.

"And you called them mom and dad....." Tamaki said. I nodded again and approached my parents. B/n was sobbing again. I rubbed his arm.

"Don't they look happy?" I asked smiling at them. (You're going to have a dark past. So you may sound psychotic sometimes.....)

I placed my hand on my mother's. "They were relieved of the pain of the world." I said smiling even more.



Tamaki had seemed concerned for his 'little girl' and told me to do more research on this f/n l/n.

Flash back!!!!! (wooshy wooshy, flashback sounds)

"Mommy!" Tamaki shouted running after me. I turned around glaring at him.

"What?" I asked and pushed up my glasses.

"I'm concerned about my little girl? Can you learn more about Miss l/n?" He asked pleaded me.

(wooshy wooshy, exiting flash back)

I typed into my computer digging up as much as I could about f/n. I was barely finding anything until.... What's this? A criminal record?

There was a photo of a news paper.


It said in big bold letters.

8 year old f/n l/n murdered 5 males. As the police dragged her away she shouted "They all deserved it!"

I was shocked. How could f/n do such a thing? She seemed so nice.... But the real question is how did she get out of jail? I quickly printed out the news paper and folded it up. I placed it in my little black notebook and returned it to my book bag.

I'll have to tell the others....

Your POV

I walked into school to be met by an intimidating Kyoya. I waved at him awkwardly. He grabbed my arm and tugged me through the halls.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he pulled me into the abandoned music room. There sat the whole host club. Haruhi looked at me scared. It hurt me to see her frightened of me. Why was she scared? I then noticed Honey looked scarier, like he was ready to fight at any moment.

"Care to tell us anything?" Kyoya asked crossing his arms.

"Like what?" I asked confused.

"Like maybe some wrong doings of your past?" Tamaki asked. What are they talking about.

"You guys are weird." I said and turned to leave. My arm was grabbed my something. I turned to see Honey holding my wrist tightly as he glared at me. "What's going on?" I asked confused.

Kyoya pulled out a news paper. On the front were the words.


And a picture of a small girl. She looked familiar. My head began to ache as I began getting visions. I gripped my head.

"f/n?" I heard someone whisper. Memories hit me.

Blood. Screams. Sirens.

When I opened my eyes I noticed I was on the floor, covered in sweat. I was breathing heavily. I had killed those people. But they had deserved it. I had amnesia.... They made me forget.

Haruhi stood over me, looking as cute as ever. "Kyoya. There's got to be many f/n l/n's in the world. Maybe that's a different one." She said in her sweet little voice. She extended her hand to me. I was about to grab it.

"Don't touch her." Tamaki said pulling Haruhi away. I stood up and brushed myself off.

"Did you kill those people?" Haruhi asked. An insane smile crept onto my face.

"Yeah. But they deserved it." I said beginning to laugh. "You should've seen the looks on their faces!" I said laughing even more. Everyone looked at me shocked. "But I already served my time." I said.

"You were never put in jail." Kyoya said.

"Ah. Someone does their research. I was sent off to an asylum." I said shrugging.

"Why?" Haruhi whispered.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"Why did you do it?" She asked looking up at me. Why did I do it? I began thinking back to that day.

Flash back (wooshy wooshy. Flash back sounds.)

"Look at the lovely little girl." One said smirking at me. I backed against the rough brick wall terrified.

One got way too close to my face. I reached into my boot and pulled out a knife. I sliced him in the face.

"Ah!" He screamed grabbing his face and staggering back. "You little bitch!" He hissed and pinned me against the wall. My head slammed into the wall and I yelped. I kicked him in the groin and picked up my dagger. I stabbed him in the throat smirking. A crimson liquid gushed from his neck as he collapsed to the ground. I twirled the dagger in my hand.

"You filthy scum." I said. B/n had taught me quite a few words :)

I took them out one by one. A passenger had been walking by and gasped at the gruesome sight. My once f/c dress was now stained with blood. I stood over the body of a man. The woman immediately dialed 911. Soon police arrived and I was handcuffed.

"They deserved it!" I shouted.

(wooshy wooshy. Exiting flash back)

"They tried to hurt me." I whispered. "He had me pinned against the wall. What else was I going to do...." I trailed off. "Was I just supposed to let them get away with it!?" I shouted crying now. I balled my hands up into fists.

Haruhi crouched by my side, and to my surprise. Pulled me into a hug. I latched onto her tightly as I sobbed.

"Shhh. It's alright." She whispered stroking my head. Soon my sobs turned into whimpers, then whimpers into silence.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! My laptop is dying now so.... Bye!!!
Until next time!!! ~Faith ♥

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