Chapter Twelve

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A/n: I'm sorry if this sucks. I have literally no idea where to go with this....But I seriously want to write, so again I'm sorry.

Your POV

I sat on my couch with a bowl of chips on my lap while watching Attack On Titan.

I flinched as yet another character died. "Nooo ------ (To avoid spoilers I have bleeped out the name) I loved you!" I cried, tears flowing down my face as I hugged the bowl of chips close to my body.

"F/n. Your friends are here." Alastair said. The host club entered the room to see me crying.

"What's wrong?" Tamaki asked.

"Did another character die?" Haruhi asked. I nodded and she sighed shaking her head at me. She sat next to me and kissed my cheek.

"Gross get a room." B/n said entering the room.

"Okay." I said standing up and grabbing Haruhi's hand.

"No! You're only 15.' B/n said cradling me to his chest. "Your innocence will not be ruined." He said. I let out a laugh.

"I'm innocence is far too gone." I said. His eyes widened.

"Someone de-flowered you?" He asked.

"No!" I shouted smacking him. I noticed the others were uncomfortable.

2 Months Later

Haruhi and I walked around holding hands. She's still managed to keep her identity as a female a secret.....Some how.

I saw a two woman holding hands with children on either side of them. One was holding a little boys hand and the other was holding a little girls hand.

"Haruhi look." I said nodding towards them since it's rude to point.

"Aw kawaii (Cute)." She said smiling.

"Do you ever want kids?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Who doesn't?" She asked. I smiled at her.

"Mommy look!" A little girl shouted pointing at me. It was the couples little girl. She ran up to me.

"Are you a girl?" She asked pointing at Haruhi. I smiled at the little girl as Haruhi nodded.

"Mommy look! They're like you!" The little boy exclaimed excitedly. I began laughing lightly as the enthusiasm.

"I'm so sorry." One of the women said.

"It's completely fine." I said smiling at the couple.

"F/n-Chan!" I heard Honey whine as he clung to my leg. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm f/n. This is Haruhi." I said shaking hands with each of the woman.

"Chrissy and this is Julie. These are our beautiful children Tatsuya and Miyuki." Chrissy said.

"Is this your son?" Julie asked.

I began laughing as Honey pouted.

"No, this is our friend. Honey. He's actually 17." Haruhi said smiling. I knew she was trying not to laugh.

"I-I'm so sorry." Julie stuttered.

"It's fine Julie-Chan." Honey said smiling. "Want some cake?" He asked.

"I'm sure these people have a life, Honey. It was a pleasure meeting you." I said smiling and walking off dragging Honey along as I held Haruhi's hand.

"Ice cream?" She asked. I nodded excitedly.

Hey everyone! Author-Chan here!!! Thanks for reading this chapter! Even though it probably sucked :(
Sorry for that. I just wanted to write. Now excuse me while I go take care of my friends dog.
BYEEE!! ~Faith xx ♥

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