Chapter Fourteen

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Your POV

"F/n!" I woke up to my brother shaking me with a worried expression all over his face.

"Hmmm. What's wrong?' I mumbled rubbing my eyes.

"Aunt Claire is ill. We have to go back to America to take over the company." He said. I shot up and looked at him sadly. I didn't want to go back. People were mean there. Plus I had Haruhi and the rest of the hosts here. I couldn't just leave them all.

"F/n. If we don't do this then our company will fail. Everything mom and dad worked for will be gone." He said. Tears formed in my eyes.

"I cant go back there. It's too painful. I'll see them everywhere. People are mean there. And Haruhi.....I cant just leave her..." I trailed off getting even more quiet.

"F/n-" He started but I cut him off.

"Shut up! I love her! I don't care if the company fails! I cant just leave her!" I screamed. He looked at me with sadness and shock.

"I know you love her, but think about mom and dad.' He said.

My tears stopped. Everything stopped. That's right. None of this was about me, it was about my parents. It was to carry on what they worked for. B/n would have to get married.....To a woman he doesn't know. I would have to get married to a man.....A MAN!

"I'll pack my bags." I sighed and threw the covers off of me.

"You're such a strong girl." He said giving me a weak smile. I gave him a small smile and walked over to my wardrobe. I began packing clothes and continued crying. Just as my life was getting good, my dreams were crushed.

I wanted to say goodbye to the host club, but I knew it would hurt. But it had to be done. I dialed Kyoya's number, knowing he wouldn't freak out if her heard me crying.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Mommy. I-it's f-f/n." I cried.

"You alright?" He asked.

"J-just get t-the others and g-get over h-here." I choked out between sobs.

I finished packing and stood in the foyer. The limo was outside, waiting to take me away from my new home.

I saw a limo pull up behind it and the hosts come bounding out. Haruhi was the first to pound on my door. I opened it and she looked at me concerned.

"I'm moving back to America." I whispered. Silence. No one said anything. They just stared. "Please. Say something." I mumbled.

"Why?" Haruhi asked.

"My aunt has become ill. B/n and I have to take over the company." I said quietly.

Haruhi pulled me into a passionate kiss. We stood there kissing as I continued to cry, the host club just watched. We pulled away from each other after a little while and I rested my forehead against hers.

"Are we breaking up?" Haruhi blurted out. I pulled away from her.

"We'll leave you two alone." Tamaki said and the host club walked off to the other room.

"Haruhi. I love you." I said.

"I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you to come back." She said grabbing my hands.

"Haruhi. I cant ask you to do that. You have a life to live." I said sadly.

"F/n. I don't want to be with anyone else, but you."

"Haruhi. I feel the same. But we cant just live on other sides of the world and expect to have a healthy relationship."

"Don't you think I understand that?" She asked running her hands through her hair.

"Haruhi. We have to end this....." I said, trying to hold in my tears....But failing. Miserably.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close to her. "One more kiss?" She asked.

I nodded and kissed her one last time.

"Goodbye." She whispered against my lips.

"Don't say that. That means I'll never see you again. How about.....See you later?" I suggested.

She smiled slightly. "See you later." She whispered. The hosts came out crying.

"My daughter!" Tamaki shouted hugging me and crying.

"Bye daddy." I said smiling at the strange boy. He smiled back but didn't let go of my waist. The twins pried him off of me.

Hikaru and Kaoru hugged me next. "Bye f/n." They both said and kissed my cheek. (Y'know, like one kisses one side, the other kisses the other side?)

"Bye my little devils." I said smiling.

Honey gripped my leg sobbing. "F/n-Chan!" He cried. I picked him up and hugged him tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you Honey." I said. He just continued to cry against me. "And you too Usa-Chan." I said looking at the stuffed bunny. Honey climbed down and I looked at Mori.

"Goodbye Mori." I said. He did the unexpected, he wrapped me in a hug.

"Yeah." He said and I smiled.

"So talkative." I said rolling my eyes. I then looked at Kyoya.

He bowed. "Goodbye miss f/n." He said.

"Come on! Give me a hug!" I said wrapping him in a hug and laughing. "I'm definitely going to miss you.....Mommy." I said sticking my tongue out at him as I said 'Mommy'. He gave me a small smile.

"Come on F/n. Time to go." B/n said sadly and we made our way to the limo. I waved at everyone as we drove off. I saw Haruhi and blew her a kiss as we drove off.

I sat on the plane with B/n.

"I know. You miss them." He said looking at me sadly. I nodded and gripped the seat.


I arrived in America (MERICA!) and walked into my old house. I remembered running through these halls with my dad chasing after me. I looked at all the family photos we left behind.

"Remember this?" B/n asked holding up a picture of me at church, covered in vomit.

I was assigned to work in the nursery at church as a kid threw up all over me, my dad thought it was hilarious so he took a picture. I began laughing as I smacked his arm.

"I cant believe you guys framed it." I said.

"It was a beautiful memory." He said laughing.

"For you! I had to sit the whole car ride home smelling like vomit!" I said.

I then walked up to my old room and pinned multiple pictures of the hosts on the wall. I had these all sitting in my drawer in Japan. I had never had the time to hang them up, but now I did.

There was one picture of the hosts, Ranka, and I. Tamaki was on the ground with Ranka's foot on his head as Ranka's arms were around Haruhi and I. Honey was on Mori's shoulders, Hikaru and Kaoru were hugging, and Kyoya was standing in the corner smiling slightly. I smiled at it and decided to take it down and frame it.

I framed it and set in next to me desk.

"I'm gonna miss you guys.' I whispered and noticed it was dark. So I climbed into bed and fell asleep. Hoping for sweet dreams.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading!!! ~Faith xx ♥

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