Chapter Nine

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Your POV

Soon Haruhi was by my side, along with James. I hated having him follow me around.

Of course Haruhi was dressed up like a guy. Since people from school could be here. I really wish I could see her in a dress. But Tamaki insisted we protected his 'little girls' identity. I was his 'little girl' too, of course.

I saw Aunt Claire meet my gaze. She narrowed her eyes at me. Then a slow song came on.

Haruhi saw me looking at my aunt. "Lets dance." She said and pulled me onto the dance floor.

"Thanks." I said smiling as we began dancing around the room.

"You look nice tonight." I said smiling at her.

"Thank you. You do too." She said smiling back. Haruhi brought her hand up and caressed the bruise of my cheek gently (Face of course!!) "I cant believe she did." She said quietly.

I felt my cheeks heat up. "I-It's alright." I said smiling.

"It just makes me upset. I cant stand seeing you hurt." She said smiling gently at me.

"Well it makes me upset to be hurt." I said and stuck my tongue out at her.

"You shouldn't stick your tongue out while dancing. What if you bit it? Then you would get hurt, and we would both be upset." She said smirking.

"Then we'd just have comfort each other." I said smirking back. The song ended, too soon. I frowned and grabbed her hand. She squeezed my hand for comfort and I smiled at her.

My Aunt stomped up to me. "How dare you change out of your dress. How dare you take off all your makeup." She said.

"How dare you set me up with James. How dare you try to change me." I mimicked. She narrowed her eyes at me so I did the same.

"I'm only trying to get you a husband." She said.

"I don't need your help. I already have someone. Haruhi." I said.

"You mean this commoner?" She started laughing.

"Haruhi may not come from a rich family, but who cares?" I asked.

"Who cares? Society cares, dear." Aunt Claire said.

"I don't care about society. Society doesn't control my life. Society doesn't control who I love. I do. And I love Haruhi." I said. Shit. Did I just say I love Haruhi.

Aunt Claire raised her hand. But Mori stopped her from hitting me.

"No. Mori. Let her hit me. She can hit me as much as she'd like. It still wont change how I feel." I said.

"How dare you brat. Your mother wanted you to obey me. Didn't she?" Aunt Claire asked.

"My mother never knew how you treated me. If she had she would've forbid you to see me." I said.

"Yeah right. Your mother would never believe you." Aunt Claire said laughing. "You're just a little kid." She said.

"I may be a kid. But I can make you leave this house." I said.

"So make me." She said smirking.

"Mori. Please escort Lady Claire out of the house. Honey accompany him. Then I will give you some cake." I said smiling.

Mori nodded and Honey smiled. "What? You cant do this. I am your Aunt." Claire said.

"Yes I can, and I am." I said. I turned to James. "You're free to go. She cant hurt you." I said. James pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you." He said and pulled out his phone. He held it up to his ear. "Darling. I'm coming home!" He said happily into the phone before running off." I smiled and hugged Haruhi.

"Are you tired?" She asked. I nodded. "I'll bring you up to bed." She said and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. We walked up to my room. I looked out my window. Rain.

"I heard it was supposed to storm tonight." I sighed. I saw Haruhi freeze up.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"N-nothing." She stuttered.

"Are you afraid of storms?" I asked.

"Just thunder." She said shyly.

"Why don't you stay here?" I asked her.

"I just spent the night last night." She said.

"One more night cant hurt." I said smiling. I opened my dresser drawer and pulled out a set of pajamas. "Here you are, dear." I said tossing her the pajamas. She caught them and made her way into the bathroom. I grabbed one of my dad's old shirts. I sniffed it. It still smelled like him. I quickly stripped down to my under wear and pulled on the shirt.

Haruhi returned wearing my pajamas. I ran and dove onto my bed, causing the pillows to jump in the air slightly. She let out a small laugh.

"You're such a kid." She said.

"I sure am." I said sticking out my tongue.

She climbed into the bed next to me. Then there was a flash of light. Haruhi tensed up. Soon after thunder sounded off. She covered her ears and tears found themselves in her eyes. I pulled open my drawer and pulled out my headphones. I plugged them into my phone and put them on her head. Then I began playing Twenty One Pilots. She smiled at me and snuggled against me under the covers.

I kissed the top of her head and watched as her breathing soon became even, meaning she was asleep.

"I love you." I whispered and soon fell asleep myself.


Haruhi and I entered school holding hands. People stared, and whispered. This time I didn't listen. I didn't care.

The day went on and on. Soon it was the end of the day. Haruhi had the Host Club and I really had to pee.

"Haruhi. I have to pee." I whined.

"Then go pee." She sighed.

"But it's too far." I whined.

"Then stop whining." She said getting annoyed with me.

"Fine I'll go pee. Just because you're begging me." I sighed and stood up.

"I never- what ever." She sighed. Clearly done with my shit. I kissed her cheek. Then skipped off to the bathroom.

I was about to walk down the stairs when I heard someone walk up behind me.

"We told you to stay away from him." I heard someone hiss. I knew that voice. Anne.

"Now you're gonna pay." I heard Lilly hiss.

Then something pressed against my back. I soon found myself screaming as I tumbled down the stair case. (I told you I would throw you down a stair case you spoon! Sorry just talking to my friend)

My vision began to blur. Anne and Lilly ran down the stair case. They smirked before running off.

"H-Haruhi." I whispered.

"Is everything alright!? I heard a scream." Someone shouted. I heard a gasp and someone stood over me. Then a scream. I saw a girl standing over me.

Then everything became black.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!! Thanks for reading and see y'all next time! ~Faith xx ♥

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