Kit and the boyz chapter 5: Kit

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Chapter 5:

                 Kit Ok, last I check it was pretty rude to hit some one while they where talking. Well I think that Josh, fool of a friend, must of been new to the new fighting thing. You are most likely thinking who on earth goddamn mind is josh? Well let’S take you back to the first day of middle of school: FLASHBACK:

                 I was walking into a new school. I was so happy I got to move from my old one. I was walking when I saw three kids who looked like I knew them and they must of know them because they were speaking about me at least I thought they where.        

                      "Yeah, I miss Kit and her crazy ways. She always made whatever we did so much fun bro!" The tall one said he had blondish hair but in the light it looked white he had bangs over his deep blue eyes with pale skin. He looked like I meet him before but I don't know how. 

                 Then as I was thinking about saying something the one on his left said, "yeah I can't believe she went with Josh. He is such an ass. I mean we all hung out with him and everything but what was she thinking?" He had tan skin with long black hair and gray eyes. he was a little shorter then the blond one.

             "Well we have to get over it it's been 2 years already." Said one that looked just like the blond one but he had green eyes.  Then I remembered three years back running away with Josh then a month ago asking him to bring me back. Yes, I loved him but not in that way I know him since I could walk. He was like my brother. So when people were after my mother he grabbed all my shit and took me way from my family.

                       Then I saw all three guys in my head and I remembered their names that day. The blond one ways Noah Chase Crimson the one that looked just like him but with green eyes was none other then Jake Casper Crimson. Then I totally remembered the one with tan skin black hair and gray eyes that was my best friend Gabriella Wolf Cross.

               As I was going to say something, a boy not much taller then me but not as tall but not as the blond came running to them yelling. " Guys guys guys wait your not going to believe this but guess who's back!!!" He looked scared, worried, and happy who was he then I looked closer to him and I remembered a kid named David Logan Winter. He had long black hair with bangs covering his blue-green eyes with pale skin.  

             "David chill. What happened." Yes I got it right I knew it then I continued to listen. "Josh, so that must mean Kit is back."

             "No way!" they all chanted and looked at David. Then I ran to them screaming with joy "Noah, Jake, David, Wolf." I said smiling how life can be you know. "it’s me Kit remember?" They all ran up to hug me then. When Josh came back he was pissed off at me and wanted to take me back to where I used to live with him. This time David,Noah,Jake,and Wolf didn't want me to leave so they fought him so I could stay. *END OF FLASH BACK*

           As I remembered that day I grew so fucking pissed and I threw David off Josh and I started to kick Josh’S ass. Everyone was shocked. The cops were rolling up and I wouldn't stop so David had to pick me off him and run to Noah's house. When we got there I thought that maybe there was going to be another fight but I kept it under control. 

           "I thought you would be on his side right David?" Noah said.

            "Noah, please here me out. I" David said but was cut off by Wolf. "David don't even start with that bullshit. We know what Kit doesn't know.

     Ok!" He said I looked at him shocked Wolf never yelled only if he was really meant what he said.

        "Hello, I'm still standing right here dipshits!" I said pissed off. Everyone looked at me like what the hell.

         "Kit you know that after that day you came back and we all fought Josh?" Noah said grabbing my hands and looking deep into my eyes and I knew he was hurt. But before I could speak he talked. "Well mister lover-boy here went and worked with Jake and Josh selling drugs."  I never knew this I looked at David and I yelled, "Were you going to tell me?" He didn't answer. "Well David Logan Winter were you going to tell me?" he didn't answer me and that's when I felt hurt and Noah and Jake saw that and asked David to leave. he tried to say he was sorry but I smacked him and he left pissed off. Once he left I started to cry.

              Noah, Jake, and Wolf came to clam me down. Soul tried to but they also kicked her out. "You guys knew this whole time and didn't tell me?" I asked then the least one I would ever think would answer the Question. "Yes we did but." I cut off Wolf by getting up and running out the front door. How could they not tell me I thought when I ran into something soft and I looked up and saw my EX-BOYFRIEND Ethan.  

            Oh great this is going to be fun I said to myself in my head. "Who the hell, oh, um, hey Kit." Ethan said. "I got to go." I said turning around heading home crying I think that he thought I was crying about him because he asked me what he did. But I just kept running until David stopped me dead in my tracks.

       He was one of the last people that I wanted to see but looks like fate had another thing coming. "Kit please let me explain? Please?" He said.

      "ok but you have to tell me everything and don't tell me all that bullshit about you can't tell me or they kill you!" I said pissed off.

         "Ok. So where can we talk?" he said.

      "How about over a smoothie? My godmother owns one in a couple of blocks away near Hot Topic." I said he looked so happy but I didn't put he's hope's up.

       When we got there I got a "blast of tweet" my godmother had named it after me since I loved it. David had the "V.I.G" it was what me, David, Jake, Wolf, and Noah named it when we were little. We had made the club in middle school but then we grew apart from David.

       "So what you want to talk about David?" I asked as my cousin Ashley left with our orders.

       "Ok, after the fight with Josh a couple of year's back." he said looking at me worried.

        "Yup what about it?" I asked scared. 

         "Let me finish. Then I'll like you to talk" he said to me. "Ok." I said and he be began his story.

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