Arguments pt.1

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Zoe's POV

Me and Alfie have been fighting for the stupidest things you can ever think of. I really think that he's regretting his decision about marrying me and it gives me panic attacks , anxiety and all that stuff that makes you feel worried  that you'll say something or do something wrong.

Z: what is your problem ?!?!
:A: why do think that everything is my problem !! You can be a total bitch sometimes
Z: I feel like this engagement is just getting smaller because situations like this always distracts us from our relationship and I don't want to leave you !!
A: if that's how you feel then what do you think about canceling that wedding we are planning next year ?!?!!!

After that argument, he went to our room and wept himself to sleep while I was packing Zach's things to Wiltshire . While Zach was asleep I wrote a letter saying:
Dear Alfie,
I think we need a break from all this. I mean, we barely cuddle on the sofa like we used to because of all the distractions around us. And I think it's best we need a year off . Zach is still a baby and all he hears is us yelling at each other, scolding each other. And I don't want our child to grow up feeling incomplete because we sometimes don't get along. We've known each other for 8 years and I think we need time to boost our maturity to handle situations like this. You can contact me when you're ready to be a man and conquer those fears that lead you to the opposite direction. I'll leave this ring to you ,to make your decision about spending your life with me.
- Zoë xx
I finally finished my letter and headed to our room to get most of my things and packed the into a suit case. I text joe and tell him to come and get us because he is also going back to Wiltshire to stay there for a couple of weeks. He finally arrived and took the suit cases into the boot of his car. I carried Zach outside and stood there for a moment. After gazing at my house , joe finally dragged me to his car , strapping Zach into his car seat for a three hour drive to Bath.

Alfie's POV :
I woke up with Zoë gone. She might be in Zach's room. No one. I went to the kitchen. Empty. As I stood there I saw a note saying 'Alfie'. I picked it up and read it. Before I could notice, I was in tears realizing that I was wrong to argue with my soon to be wife. I quickly got over it and started vlogging. "Good morning guys, as you can see that you can't hear any loud cries. That is because" I stuttered. "Z-Zoe left with Zach. It's only because we were having a hard time handling things. You will see her again and don't worry we will get married ,so don't get upset about the zalfie wedding happening next year." I turned my camera off and started to cook some breakfast.
(Skip after the normal morning routine because who gives a shit)

I went back upstairs to our room ,which used to be, and changed into some clothes. I went to Joe's flat . Caspar answered.
C: hi Alfie. What you doing here?
A: I was wondering if joe's here
C: sorry mate but no. He went back to bath for a couple of weeks
A: did he say that Zoe was with him ?
C: no I don't think so
A: thanks mate, cheers

Joe's POV
Can't believe that Alfie did this to my sister. Zoe may be shallow but she has the biggest heart for everyone she knows . Well except her enemies or haters. " Joe ?" "Yeah?" "Am I a mistake to everybody ?" She asked."of course not. Why would you think that ?" There was a short silence.
"Just sleep . You're thinking too much. Worry about you and Zach, not him. He just wants you to get hurt."

That was a long one and three pov's
Thank you for reading and pt 2 will come soon
Do you think that Alfie should be gone or reunited with Zoe ??
Find out everything in the next chapter / part .
Tysm  xoxo


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