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Kaelie's pov

"Okay,class dismissed." My teacher, Mrs. Bake says as we all run down the corridors.

"Go away,Kaelie!" One of the most popular boys in school says. I walk down the halls, as usual, with my best friend, Brienna , walking beside me.

"I just wish that they would eventually shut up." I say to her.

"Me too ,Lily, me too." She agrees.

As we both exit school, we both say goodbye. I heard a lorry go past me and figured, it might be just a delivery for ingredients for lunch. Little did I know that there was a puddle beside the pavement. The next thing I know............... *splash!* I am soaking wet !!!!

" hahhaha. OMG this is so entertaining! I am totally going to post that on TheCharlottePaper !" One of the popular girls say while she holds out her phone,laughing at me. I whimper. I stand up, get myself together and walk away like nothing happened.

I run past Ms. Puffry and tell her that I won't be eating dinner tonight. As I enter my room, I get out a blade in my cupboard, sit on the end of my bed, position the blade on my wrist and slide the blade as I think about how nothing in this world will stop me.

Stop! You promised yourself to not do this ever again! But everyone hates me and.....and..

*flashback over*

"Oh my god!" Dan says, holding his hand to his mouth.

"I'm so sorry." Phil says,his hand on my shoulder.

I smile. I never had people care for me that much. I felt protected.

"Thank you guys for understanding" I say,tearing up.

"Don't cry little chummy." Louise says. I laugh.

We all jumped as a certain banging on door came out of nowhere. I run to the door and see a broken-hearted Zoe running past me.

"What's happened ?" I ask her.

No reply. Zoe sobs as Louise calms her down.

"A-alfie." She stutters.

"What did he do this time?" Louise soothingly says to her.

"H-he ch-cheated on me a-again."

"With who ?"



"Steady on , Louise." I say.

Dan gave Zoe a strawberry milkshake and calms down a bit.

"Don't worry ,chummy. Me and Lily will take care of you. And we'll give him a piece of our mind later on." Louise says. I nod.

"Lily?" Zoe asks, smiling.

"Childhood nickname." I explain.

"Cute" she smiled.

--1 hour later--

Me and Louise got ready for a 'little' word with Alfie. Zoe fell asleep, which is good for her and Aileen. Dan and Phil headed back to their room.

I close the door calmly , not to wake Zoe up.

We rush to the room.

As we got there,Louise bangs on the door, not caring that there were people sleeping. Alfie opened the door,looking at us , confused.

"What's happening?" He asks.

"I think you know what's happening!" Louise shouts.

"Why are you in this, Kaelie?"

"I am Zoe's fan,supporter,best friend and mum. And my duty to make Zoe happy." I say back.

"Please go back to your room,young lady. Only adults do this." My mouth drops.

"No! I will not let you forget what happened with you and Zoe."

"Kaelie." He warns.

"Enough! Now explain." Louise interrupts.

"Gabby gave me a drink and I saw a tablet in it so I thought it was medicine. I drank it and all I remember is that Zoe was by the door and shouting at me ,and Gabby on top of me." He explains.

"Go get ready. We have some dirty work around here." I order Alfie. He nods. Louise smiles at me.


Sorry if this chapter is super duper long. Things are going in and out of hand. Summer just kicked in (in my country) and it's hard to think of scenarios and I know that I said that a long time ago. It's also Zoe's birthday so it's a major update occasion

Oh and one last thing. ....


dun dun duuuuuuuun

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