The loss

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A/N : Guys watch this at (----- . Or listen to it because it's a beautiful song (my opinion). ENJOY!!!!!!!

Kaelie's pov

It has been a week since the accident and Playlist. Zoe couldn't stay strong- me and Alfie tried everything we could to make them forget. I practiced the song a few times (a/n : the song was I'll Always Remember you by Miley Cyrus) and Alfie was in front of me to analyze the song if it's appropriate. How would he think that the song could be inappropriate?

Anyways, Zoe's meetup (kind of) was a success. Fans were crying and I was too because I've never been to conventions to see my fans and I've never had this much support. Me and Dan hung out like more than three times in Playlist and after Playlist. We both made collabs on both our channels and fans ship us. It's weird because I'm thirteen,my birthday was on day 4 of playlist, and he is 24 , almost 25.

Tracey's funeral is today and it makes me feel more nervous. I have to sing in front of Zoe and Joe's whole family.

"Lily?!" Someone, from downstairs, calls.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"Come down here."


"And please get dressed now."


I go to my closet and pick out the dress I chose last night with a leather jacket.

I go to my closet and pick out the dress I chose last night with a leather jacket

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I quickly put it on and run to my dresser. I decide to put on a natural look. I begin to find my curler. I decide on a wavy style but with a braid the joins up on the back.

I put on my black converse cause why not ? And head down with my phone, vlogging camera and sunglasses

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I put on my black converse cause why not ? And head down with my phone, vlogging camera and sunglasses.

I see Zoe in her black dress with black heels , natural makeup and wavy hair.

I see Zoe in her black dress with black heels , natural makeup and wavy hair

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