Black gang chine pt.2

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Heyyyy sorry for the long wait. Writers block is still on point. Btw if you are wondering that the picture above is Enzo Amore and Sasha Banks if you watch WWE. I'm obsessed!
Anyways- continue

"Zoe?" I yell, looking at every corner of the house.

I woke up this morning seeing all six dogs sleeping peacefully in the kitchen. I walk down the stairs and go to the kitchen to grab something to eat or cook breakfast.

"Lily!" Someone says behind me.

I jump,"Oh,my god Emilia. You scared me."

She tugs at my shirt telling me to follow her. I do as she signals.

She then takes me to the basement ,where the dogs can't bare to go in.

"Jonathan,where's everybody?" I ask Jonathan,looking around.

"The girls said that they'll be just going to Tesco and Alfie said that he'll be going somewhere. He didn't say anything." Jonathan explains, standing up.

We -three- walk back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.


"Zoe!" I gasp.

I run upstairs to see if Alfie has answered any of my texts.


Oh well. I run back downstairs to see two girls giggling at newly bought clothes for their babies.

"What you got there?" I ask Zoe.

She looks up and hugs me," Sorry if we were out too long."

"Nothing to worry about."

"Who wants pancakes?!" Jonathan shouts.

"Me!" Emilia and Eduardo shouts,raising their knife and fork.

Zach cries and I bend over to pick him up. I stares straight ahead to see Alfie wearing a denim jacket,a Victoria Secrets perfume and a grey fedora hat from Gap.

'This isn't Alfie' I think.

Clearly he's blind on fashion nowadays.Ugh. Can't. Look. At. Disgusting. Fashion.

"Alf, can I borrow your phone real quick? Mine died and I have to text Phil." I lie.

He falls for it and gives me the phone. I rush up stairs and quickly put in the pass code.

Mouth wide open as a sight I never want to see. Alfie kissing another girl ,or an ex.

"Hi Louise." I say. She called me as soon as I texted her that Alfie's up to something.

"Is it cheating again?" She guesses.

"Bingo. It was a slut from York."

"Wait,how did you know she was from York."

"There was a photo of her and her house,and it said the location"

"Darcy and I are going there, right now!"

"Good idea!"

"Lily?!!" Zoe shouts.

"What now?" I reply,regretting my tone.

She comes in the room with blood stains on the bottom of her top.

"Oh my god!" I say and rush to help stop the blood flowing.

"What is happening?" Louise shouts from the phone.

"Zoe's bleeding!" I shout loud enough for the people downstairs to hear.

Someone rushes up the stairs and barges in the room.

"Come downstairs!" Anna says, gesturing us to go downstairs like if something's gone wrong.

"What is it?" I ask, anxiety flooding through my body.

I stop dead from my tracks as I slide into a crouching position. Zoe notices me and reaches my hand. I stand up, anxious from before, and run downstairs. I've already got a lot of problems today.

"Alfie, who is this?" Zoe asks, wincing in every word.

"She's my -um-" He stutters.

Apart from Alfie and his 'friend', we jump in the mini van. I run back in the house to get Zoe's kit and bag. I zoom past Alf and jump in the van with no one noticing I was gone for two minutes.

"Okay, the nearest hospital is 30 minutes away !" Jonathan says and starts the car.

We all forgot about Alfie,but that didn't matter now.

------time skip-----

We all wait in the waiting room, anticipating. In comes the doctor, approaching us in an uncomfortable manner.

"Is she going to be okay?" Is the first thing I say.

"She is but she needs more rest." He says,directly on point.

Alfie comes in with his iconic clothes (Jeans and all). We all look a t him,angrily.

"Who was that ?" I ask.

"She was a friend." Alfie lies.

"Cut the bullshit,Alfie. We know your cheating on Zoe ,Again!" I cover up my mouth with my hands.

They all look at me like I've committed murder.

"Lily, calm down. And how did you know that?"Alfie breaks the silence.

"When I looked at your phone and I saw you two kissing and such." I trail.

"Lily, you might want to go to the toilet." Anna whispers.

"Why?" Curiosity at its best.


I grab my bag and hurry to the toilet. Good thing I brought tampons with me.

Life of a 13 year old pays off.

Hey guys super sorry if this chapter is short and you've waited a long time. In the next chapter I'm planning Dan asks Lily out on just a walk to chill her out and maybe *wink wink*

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