It's not that easy

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btw the pic above is me!!! the crazy girl behind this crazy story!!
In this one, Lily gets another bf but this time, no more cheating. just an average relationship. cuddles and shit.....

Lily's pov

I put my headphones in and after 'Dollhouse' had finished, my phone rings.

"Hello." I say.
"Hey, Lily." Dan says.

I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"What's up?" I say, trying to not appear angry.

"My meeting got cancelled and I thought that maybe we could go out?" He questions, sounding a bit tipsy.

"Where do you plan on going?"

"Maybe to London."

"Um,I'll think about it. Joe and I are going to London tomorrow."

"You always go out with Joe."

"You've been going with Phil before me so we all don't get what we want!"

"How did you know?"

"Phil called and said that you're his biyfriend. I am happy that Phan exists but I was involved in it all. It's not fair that you're in a relationship and you cheat. I feel very sorry for Phil and it's all your fucking fault."

"Guess what, I played you. I didn't love you. I was messing with your mind."

"Your friendship with us is done. I loved you but you played me. Have fun without going to any conventions and the wedding, dickhead!"

I hang up. Joe looks at me from the front.

"Don't cry. It's not your fault." He reassured me.

I try to give him my best fake smile but it turned out more fake.

*flashback over*

I wake up from my sleep and look around. I see Zoe and Zach cuddling in the other sofa. Joe behind me, feeling very comfortable whilst cuddling me. I shift, being very careful. Joe stirrs and his blue eyes flutter open. His lips curve into a smile. I want to kiss them. I thought. Lily, Zoe might not approve that I'm gonna date his brother.

I sit up and look at Joe. He pulls me in so that I won't be able to get up.

"Joe, I need to eat." I whisper.

"Sucks." He says.

I hear a familiar giggle. I turn around and see Zoe. I wriggle my way out of Joe's grip. He tightens his hold on me. I scream and flip us over so I'm on top. I grab his left leg and hoist it up. I count to 3 and say :" I win the match!"

I get up and answer my phone.

"Hiya!" I say.

"Hi, Kaelie!" Sam says.

"Did you know you can call me Lily instead, right? But why are you calling?"

"I know and I just want to know if you want to go out today. I miss my almost-girlfriend."

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