How To Annoy Alois Trancy

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1. Replace all his short shorts with baggy jeans.

2. When he yells at you for it say you did it out of love.

3. Every time Claude says something, calmly walk over to Alois and yell "LIKE A BOSS!!!" in his ear.

4. Ask him if he ever had his eye poked out.

5. When he walks into the room cover your left eye and briskly walk out of the room.

6. Ask him if he and his butler have any...."special relations".

7. When he says no pinch his cheeks and say sweetly, "Oh! There's no need to be shy!"

8. Every time he sticks his tongue out, poke it and ask him why it is so long.

9. Dress up and act like Alois and go around dancing saying, 'Ole!' If he asks what you're doing, tell him, 'That's how incompetent you look and act!' and run away.

10. As you run away, jump in slow motion like what Alois did in the first episode of Season 2 when he goes outside to see his uncle.

11. Ask him if he is Viscount Druitt's son.

12. When he says no...point out their similar flamboyant attitude and the few appearance similarities.

13. Mimic EVERYTHING he does.

14. When he tells you to stop...mimic him.

15. Flirt with him.

16. If he doesn't react, ask him if he is gay. (if your a girl)

17. Tell him he looked better as a girl.

18. Walk around in his clothes calling everyone a "stupid betch" in a VERY flamboyant way while swaying your hips.

19. Flirt with Claude while he is in the room.

17. If he gets mad at you ask if they have a "special relationship" again.

18. When he denies it sing "Denial~!"

19. Ask him if he ever had a girlfriend.

20. If he says no, tell him it's because he gay.

21. Turn off all the lights in the Trancy manor.

22. Redecorate his manor to make it look like Ciel's.

23. Invite everyone over for a costume ball.

24. Tell Alois about the ball 5 minutes before everyone is supposed to arrive.

25. Wear his clothes to the ball and tell everyone that you decided to dress up as a stripper.

26. Tell everyone "true" embarrassing baby stories about Alois.

27. When everyone leaves and Alois yells at you, begin to cry and say," Happy Birthday..." then hold up a scarf that you made by cutting up his favorite vest.

30. Tell him that Claude hates him.

31. When he begins to cry, look at him and say," But /I/ still love you!"

32. When he looks at you in horror (because he probably won't want your love after all the crap you did) hug him and say, "We're going to be friends /FOREVER/!"

33. Run away and leave a note that says, "Just kidding...I'm moving into the Phantomhive manor....Bye!"

34. Ruin HIS ending in Kuroshitsuji.

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