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To: Beautiful

Calum pulls his phone out from his pocket to see who texted him. He's at work in the backroom doing some paperwork. Calum laughs aloud when he sees who texted him and what they said. He quickly responds.

To: Lukey ♡

Luke always gets so giddy and happy when he text Calum. He knows he loves the boy, he just doesn't know how to tell him. Especially with what happened at his house last night. Luke made that picture of Calum his lockscreen. He constantly checks his phone for no reason, he just wants to see Calum. Luke loves Calum, but its only been a few weeks that they've been talking. Luke has barely got Calum to open up to him. After watching the High School Music trilogy, him and calum were talking and he learned a lot about him. They were laying down on Luke"s bed with Calum cuddled into Luke's side with his head resting on Luke's broad chest. They talked for hours. After they talked for so long Luke started to ask Calum more personal questions. Like about why he self harms.
*Flashback in Calum's POV*

"Calum?" Luke ask me hesitantly, " Why do you self harm?" Luke ask adjusting his body so he could look at me. I feel his ocean blue eyes looking down on me. I sit up quickly pulling the sleeves of my jacket down. I can't believe he asked that. What am I supposed to say? Do I tell him about Ashton and my parents? I'm not going to mention high school I barely know Luke. I mean yeah sure we've talked for two weeks and he's really nice, sweet, caring, and cute. Shit why did I say cute? He's not that cute, fuck he really is. Calum stop it stop it. You need to stop being so gay you're supposed to like girls. Listen to what your parents tell you. Remember what happened in high school you don't want it to happen again.
"Calum? Are you okay," Luke ask me sitting up and putting his hands on my waist.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking," I whisper.

"Okay well um are you going to tell me why?" Luke ask persistently.

"Oh well um for starters I'm gay,"  I say slowly waiting for his reaction. Luke just nods waiting for me to continue. "I'm gay too don't worry I won't judge," Luke says since I was waiting for his response.

"Oh oh okay well to sum it up I was bullied in high school because of it, stuff happened with this guy Ashton, and my parents fight about me being gay. They blame it on one another and that's why I cut." I say quickly.

"Oh wow I'm sorry about your parents and being bullied. But can I ask what happened with Ashton?"

I stop and stare at him. Ever hearing his name is too much for me. I was surprised I even managed to say it. I feel my eyes start to water, then a tear falls down my cheek. I don't know what's happening, but I'm in Luke's lap and he's holding me and apologizing for asking. I move my hands up to wipe my face. I tell him I'm okay repeatedly but Luke doesn't let go. Which makes me happy I feel safe with him. We sit in silence. Luke's humming softly and rubbing small circles on my hips and I'm messing with my bracelets.

"Can I...?" Luke says. I don't understand till I feel his hand on my wrist. I tense up and I know he felt it because he removes his hand. I gulp and nod slowly as I begin to take off my bracelets. When I finish taking them off, I don't dare turn around and face Luke.  He moves his hands slowly as I watch his movements intently. Luke gently brushes his fingertips against my scars. He runs his fingers over all of them. It takes all the courage in me too turn back and look at him. When I turn around I'm surprised by what I see. Luke is crying. He has tears running down bliss cheeks. His gaze is focused on my wrist he hasn't even acknowledged the fact that I'm looking at him. I move my arms and gently wipe away his tears. I cup his cheeks with my small hands," I'm okay,"
When I say that he starts full on sobbing. I hold him to my chest and let him cry. "I don't know why you keep trying to help me. You don't get it what it's like to be me. No matter how hard you try, you will always be too late. Hell, you already are."

"It hurts when you see someone you love hurt themselve."

I don't know what else to do but lean in and kiss him. I press my lips to his and just keep them there. I pull away and here Luke whisper something before he is on top of me and we are kissing.

*End of flashback and Calums POV*

Luke shows up at the music store near the end of Calums shift.

"Hey babe," Luke says when he walks in.

"Hi Luke," Calum responds with a faint blush covering his cheeks. "What are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here. You just didn't say you were coming and Michael doesn't work today."

"I know. I came to see you."


"Youre so cute. I love yo- it. I love how cute you are."

A/N: I love you guys thanks for reading xoxo,,Quianna

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