Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


*Hazel's POV* 

"Louis?" I say my voice soft and weak that I'm not even sure he heard me. Louis stops walking and turns around quickly looking at me. I see his blue-green eyes light and widen up upon seeing me.




Louis rushes forward, crushing me in a hug, his arms wrapping tightly around me. I ignore the pain throughout my body and hug Louis back. Tears start streaming down my face as I bury my face into Louis chest. Finally we pull away, Louis sitting down on the bed closely beside me. He wipes my tears on my face gently with his thumb.

"I thought I lost you, th-that I'd never see you again," Louis whispers

I look down guilt rushing through me making me feel horrible for doing this to Louis, I didn't want to hurt him.

"Seriously Hazel, I don't know what I would have done without you. I was a mess when you were missing, ask anyone. Hazel I couldn't have asked for a better little sister. Promise to never leave me like that again."

I look up into Louis blue-green eyes "I promise, I pinky promise" I whisper

I hold out my pinky and connect it with his. He chuckles slightly.

"Thank you Louis, for everything." I whisper.

"Hazel, I didn't do anything. If anything all I did was make it worse. I'm probably the worst big brother ever. He sighs looking down

"No Louis, none of this is your fault. You're the best big brother in the world, I couldn't have asked for a better brother. Louis I love you, from sister to brother" I say smiling at my older brother

"I love you too Hazel, from brother to sister"

He pulls me gently into another hug, kissing my forehead before pulling back again.

"Louis, come on mate we got to go...."

We look up to see Harry standing by the doorway, jaw dropped.

I giggle slightly at how funny he looks.

"Harry!" he yells before tackling me into a hug

"Harry, be careful" Louis scolds hitting him on the back of the head

He pulls away poking his tongue out at Louis.

I giggle as Louis pokes his tongue our back at Harry.

"So Hazel, why didn't you tell me you were awake?" Harry pouts

"Because I only got my eyes open just as Louis was about to leave." I respond

"Also because she loves her big brother duh Harry she didn't want you" Louis says

Harry just rolls his eyes.

"Harry where's the others?" I ask after about 5 minutes

"Oh right, I told them I would go get Louis, while they wait in the car, but you know..." he face palms himself

"Speaking of the devils..." Louis mutters

"Gee Harry one simple task and you can't even do that--"

We all look to see Liam, Zayn and Niall now standing in the doorway.

"Hazel?!" Niall grins widely upon seeing me. He rushes forward, pushing Harry out the way and coming to hug me.

"Hey Niall" I grin hugging him back

I'M LOUIS TOMLINSONS SISTER??!!! (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now