Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


The person wraps me in a hug.

“Shh it’s alright, I’m here now” The familiar voice of my brother’s voice whispers into my ear.

The familiar voice of my brother’s voice whispers into my ear. My tears fall onto his shirt, making it even more wet than it already is. Louis slowly lifts me up and carries me away. He puts me down into a car and soon following after. I can hear muffled voices of the other boys but I ignore them still crying into Louis shirt as he rubs my back. I start to feel my eyelids dropping and I let them. Before I even know it I’m fast asleep.


I wake up feeling sore and exhausted even though it feels as I’ve slept a million years. I sit up on the bed, looking around me. I see Louis staring out the window seeming to concentrate quite hard on something. I look around more and realise I have no idea where I am.

“Hazel you’re awake” I turn around to see Louis smiling at me. He hugs me tightly and I hug him back glad that I have him as my brother.  

“I was so worried” Louis whispers. I can feel the tears starting to fall again.

“I’m sorry Louis” I whisper back.

Finally we pull back from the hug and Louis smiles sadly.

“Just don’t ever do that again, ok. We looked everywhere for you. Your parents were really worried too, but I rang them when I found you and took you back here to get some rest seeming they were on the other side of town.” Louis says

I nod. Was everyone really that worried? Gee now I feel horrible. The memory of the deal with Karen all comes back to me. How I have to run away from everyone I've ever loved or even cared about, or else... I already know what I must do. I know I must go with Karen even though it so wrong. I can’t let anyone die because of me. I’m not worth it.

The door creaks open and I turn to see 4 faces peeking around the door. When they see me they smile brightly.

“Hazel!” They scream coming at me and squashing me in a hug.

“Can-t b-re-ath-e” I chock out.

They release me while Louis stands there chuckling at us.

“We missed ya Hazel” says Niall.

I laugh at him. “Missed you too Niall even though I was only gone for what, a day?”

He shrugs and I laugh again.

The door suddenly opens and in comes Tawny.

“Aww Tawny. Hello there, haven’t seen you in a while now have I” I coo at the little puppy.

I boys all chuckle at me and Tawny. I pick him up and he licks my face.

“Eww Tawny” I say holding him out slightly.

“You alright?” asks Liam and I know his talking about what happened yesterday.

I nod. “Yeah I’m fine”

“What exactly happened” Harry asks looking a bit confused.

I sigh. “Long story…”

“We got all day” Harry says

The boys sit down on the bed looking up at me waiting for me to begin. They just don’t give up do they?

“Fine, shove over though” I say giving in. They all move over and I sit next to Louis on the bed.

I'M LOUIS TOMLINSONS SISTER??!!! (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now