Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The plane ride to Melbourne is long and tiring. At the moment Sophie and I have just finished watching The Hunger Games and I can feel the awkward silence between us hanging in the air like a bad smell.

 "What will happen when we get back?" I say breaking the silence.

 Sophie shrugs "Not quite sure yet but we will probably take you somewhere where Karen can't find you, where you're safe."

 "Why can't I go home? Why can't I go and see my family and the boys? Karen's just a sick teenager with an evil, cruel mind. She can't be that dangerous." I say quite annoyed

 Sophie sighs "Hazel, you don't know what she's can do. She’s dangerous and won’t stop until she gets what she wants.”

I look at Sophie raising my eyebrow, “Now I’m confused, what exactly do you mean.”

She sighs “I’ll explain later”

I scoff showing she that I’m annoyed. She knows I hate it when someone says that. What does she mean about all those things about Karen? I guess I’m just going to have to wait to find out.


The plane has finally landed in Melbourne, after a long tiring flight.  We hop off the plane and see that it’s raining heavily outside. Not that I’m complaining. I love the rain!

Sophie and I hurry to grab our bags and hop in a taxi waiting outside so I’m not spotted by anyone who might know about the reward Louis and the other boys set to find me.

The taxi ride is long and awkward as we sit in silence listening to the radio playing softly in the background.

Finally we get to a two-story kind of modern house. It is painted white with a black rooftop. All around the house is a beautiful garden with the flowers blossoming.

Sophie pays the driver and hops out of the car with me following close behind. We run up to the porch to stop us from getting soaked from the rain that still pours down.

Sophie knocks on the door and a middle-aged man opens it.

“Sophie” he says pulling her into a hug

“Hey Uncle Joey” Sophie responds. They pull away from the hug while I stand there awkwardly.

“And you must be Hazel, nice to meet you” says Sophie’s uncle shaking my hand

“And you too Mr…….”

“Please call me Joey”

“And you too Joey” I say smiling before Joey moves out of the doorway to let us in. A little girl comes running up hugging Sophie tightly.

Sophie laughs “Hey there Poppy.” Poppy then looks over at me giving me a cute little wave. I smile and wave back.

I'M LOUIS TOMLINSONS SISTER??!!! (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now