Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Why can’t she just stay away from me! Why is it so hard!

“I don’t really understand why you hate her. Yeah so she bullied you but she’s really nice now. I think she has changed and she seems to what to be your friend again. She does dress a bit like a slut but everyone is different” Sophie says rambling on.

Its recess and we’re sitting in our usual spot underneath the old oak tree. I sigh.

“Yeah right” I mumble “Can we talk about something else?”

Sophie rolls her eyes but starts a new topic. That’s a good thing about her, she doesn’t complain or ask questions.

Ding Ding Ding


The bell ring telling us it’s the end of recess. We get up and head to our lockers which are right next to each other.

“What do we have” I ask Sophie who already had her timetable out.

“Geography and Religion” she says

I groan. Both boring subjects, we have to have Religion (R.E) though because we’re a Catholic school. But Geography is just plain boring! Our teacher Mr Jed has the most annoying voice ever. It never changes tone and it’s so annoying!

We walk into class and sit down starting to talk about the holidays coming up in 2 weeks. “Ok so movies to see” Sophie says “Hmm, what’s coming out?” I ask “I actually don’t know that’s why I asked you” she replies rolling her eyes. I poke my tongue out at her.

“Hey mind if I sit here” I look up to see Karen with a fake smile on her face. “Yes, I do mind” I say back looking away Sophie elbows me giving me a glare “Sure have a sit” Sophie says pulling the chair next to her out slightly. “Thanks” says Karen sitting down

I roll my eyes as Mr Jed comes in to start the class.


Today had to be the worst day at high school yet. Karen seems to be in Sophie’s every class and to make things worse their getting along really well. They talk to each other in class, laugh with each other, she even sat with us at lunchtime in our spot! I probably sound selfish right now I would be fine with it if they weren’t now leaving me out of everything and if Karen had never done what she did to me. 

The bus arrives and I hop on. I put in my headphones and listen to music, thinking about the day. Ok so Karen is back and is in nearly all my classes except maths. But she’s in all Sophie’s classes and seems to be trying to steal her away from me. What am I going to do!

Suddenly my phone vibrates. I take it out and see it’s a text from Louis


Ello little sis. What ya doing this weekend? Maybe you can come over and have some fun!! Tawny misses u! :( Does Sunday sound good? A very smexy Carrotking xx


I laugh at the name Louis put in my phone. He must have changed it when we were at Nandos


Hahah hello there carrotking. Yeah sounds good. Sundays perfect. What time?? By the way I’m changing your name on my phone Hazel xx

Still laughing slightly I change Louis’ name in my phone before my phone vibrates again

Message from: BIG BROTHER (who happens to be superman):D

:( fine! It better be good. I’ll meet you outside Crown Casino around 10 since that’s where were staying see ya then xx

Crown Casino! I guess I should have expected though since he is in one of the biggest boy bands in the world.

I look up just in time to see the stop I usual get off zoom by. I quickly press the button and wait by the door. As soon as I’m off it starts raining.

"Stupid Melbourne weather doesn't know how to make up its mind on which season it's going to be..."I mumble angrily to myself searching in my bag for my umbrella.

"Crap!" I whisper-yell. I left the silly thing at home!

Great, it's raining, I forgot my umbrella and I have to walk home further than usual. This day hasn’t been the best….


I finally make it home after running for what seemed ages! I walk into the house soaking wet form head to toe.

“Hazel, is that you?” I hear my mother call out

“Yep” yell back popping the “p”

“Can you come here for a sec” she yells out

I walk into the kitchen and see my mother and someone else I thought I would never see here…

“Hazel, you remember Karen from primary school don’t you? She’s going to be staying here for the week until her mother comes down from America. Isn’t this great” my mother says but I can hardly hear her. Instead I’m staring straight in the eye with Karen who has a very evil look on her face. Shit.


This chapter is dedicated LongLiveMusic17 because she commented first!

Also a shout out SHOUT OUT (hehe) vanessadovan firstly cause she asked me too and secondly for supporting my story (even though she doesn’t really like One Direction!! :O

That was chapter 10!! I’m kind of surprised that I’ve been updating this much in a week. I usually take a few weeks! Anyway let me know what you think or things you want added in the story. The first one the comment will get the next chapter dedicated to them. Also if I get 3 comments once I get them I will update straight away! Also sorry if this chapter is boring, I have the worst headache known to human (or at least it feels like that)



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