They're sick

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An: this has been requested by payzer123 for months now and I'm so sorry for the long wait, but I hope you like it.

Ryan: He loves to be babied when he's sick, but he never says that he's sick. You were running around the lab pretending you were a spy, trying to catch Ryan and prove that he's sick. Right now you were crouched and peeking around the corner. He was talking to Delko but you could only hear bits and pieces of the conversation. You did a somersault into the room and hid behind Delko. "Man go get some cold medicine." Eric told your boyfriend as he coughed once again. "I can't man, yn doesn't know  sick." You jumped out from behind Eric and yelled out "Aha! I knew it! My poor baby is sick! Cmon Ryan let's get you home." Ryan groaned but let you drag him away by his hand. Delko laughed loudly while you pulled his friend away. After you got Ryan home you basically brought him anything he needed. You also cuddled with him all day.

Eric: You knew the basics; Blanket, soup, medicine. But after that you were pretty much useless. Eric woke up with a fever and you had to go in to work, but it was only a half day. You had been stressed all day and made sure Eric had everything he needed before you left. You were working a crime scene when Calleigh noticed. "Yn you've been acting weird all day. What's up?" You smiled at the blonde and sighed "it's just that Eric's sick and I don't know how to make him feel better." The CSI smiled and gave you a few tips. After work you rushed home and brought Eric some soup from his favourite restaurant. "Eric I'm home, and I brought soup." You called into the almost empty house. "Okay I'm upstairs baby." You heard him couch out. You ran up the stairs and hopped in bed beside him. You handed him the soup and he smile graciously "thanks yn." "It was no problem. I love you." You smiled and snuggled into his chest. "I love you too." He said before coughing loudly.

Jesse: When he's sick you go full out nurse mode. Both your parents are doctors so you know a lot of symptoms and how to cure it. You were reading your favourite book in your living room when you heard a sniffle. You paused and looked up through your eyelashes but let it go. A few minutes later you heard someone try to muffle a cough. That's it you thought and got up you snuck around the corner, and peeked into the kitchen. There stood your boyfriend shoving his nose into a tissue. You knew he was trying to be quiet and not make you aware that he was sick. Ha yeah right Jesse you thought as you walked into the room and cleared your throat. "Heyyy yn." Jesse grinned sheepishly. You pointed to the living room "go mister." He sighed and hunched over while walking to the couch. For the rest of the night you catered to Jesse and made him take his medicine until he felt better.

Walter: When Walter got sick he liked to babied and he never hid it from anyone. "Ynnnnn." You heard a familiar voice yelled down the hall. You rolled your eyes "whaaaaat?" You responded drawing out the a. You saw your tall boyfriend round the corner into the interrogation room. You were waiting for Wolfe to bring in a suspect as Walter threw himself onto your lap. You grunted a he made contact "I'm sick yn, care for me!" Walter demanded. "Awe what's wrong Walt?" You asked as you put your hands on his head. "My stomach feels bad." He wouldn't let you leave until you had to drag him home and wait on.

Calleigh: When one of you is sick usually the other is as well. You two spend so much together that you both get each other sick. You had been sneezing all day and so had Calleigh. People were starting to notice and go snitch to Horatio and Alexx. Soon Horatio pulled both you and your girlfriend aside. "Girls I want you to go home and get some rest." He said with a knowing smile. Calleigh tried to argue but you smiled and quickly agreed. "Let's go Cal." She giggle at you and let you drag her home. For the rest of the night you two cuddled and watched movies until you both fell asleep.

Natalia: You two didn't really get sick, like at all. Nat's parents were huge germaphobes and so were yours. So they used all their power to make sure you both had all your shots, and a sterile house. The most ill you two ever get is the sniffles and when that happens the other is always there to help them feel better.

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