What species you are

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     Damon - you are human and Damon wants it to stay that way. Damon loves you for who you are and he wouldn't have any other way. He misses being human so much and if he could be human he would. So he would rather you stay human so that you don't have to go through what he went through in his earlier stages of being a vampire or even now.

     Stefan- You are a human but more than likely will be turned into a vampire. Stefan loves you no matter what you are and you want to be a  vampire like him so that you can grow old together. You are still trying to convince Stefan to turn you into a vampire. Hopefully it will be soon so that you don't look too much older than him.

     Kai- You are a werewolf meaning you change into a big bad wolf and when you told Kai that you thought that he was going to leave you because, well you could hurt him. At the end of it all he didn't leave you he stayed with you and loved you for who you were. He helped you with your transitions. At first you didn't want him anywhere near you while you were changing but he assured you that he would be safe. He locked himself in a cell in the Lockwood cellar  where you changed into your wolf.

     Klaus- You were a hybrid one of Klaus closest hybrids. You were his second one after Tyler, but he doesn't boss you around as much because he knows you are a stubborn and independent woman. So he loves you even if you don't know how to listen to him about anything. You are greatly in his favor because he helped you not feel that the pain of having to turn into a werewolf every full moon.

     Kol- You are a witch of a powerful blood line. You did not know that until Kol showed up and told you that you were and gave you your families grimier and you became a better witch with his help. You got to do spells with Bonnie which never happened because of how weak of a witch you were. And you also got to do a lot of new spells.


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