Damon Salvatore imagine: The Battle

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     Blood and blurred bodies is all you saw because currently Klaus and Damon were fighting over you. They apparently both liked you and thought that the way to win you over was the barbaric way. They were going to kill each other soon if you didn't stop them from fighting.

     At the beginning of the fight, you tried to stop them by getting in between them. But Damon told you to move and when you didn't they moved somewhere else farther away from you. And when you yelled each of their names they still didn't stop because they were too busy trying to kill one another to win you.

     "Damon! Klaus! If you don't stop fighting I'm going to do something that we all will regret." you were holding a sharp knife to your wrist and slightly cutting into it so that they knew that you weren't bluffing. Everyone might think that this is over exaggerating but its not. Damon and Klaus both were a mess and you didn't want either one of them to die.

     Klaus sped over to you, he took the knife and kissed your forehead. Then he tied you up with some rope to a tree. To your utter horror they started fighting again. Except it wasn't how it was before, it was more gruesome.  You started crying and because you couldn't do anything to stop it and you didn't want to watch the fight you closed your eyes tightly shut.

     The whole time you heard screams of agony and screams of anger. Then everything was quiet again. It was deathly quiet. So, you opened your eyes to see Damon in front of you all bloody and still healing from his wounds from the fight. He unties you, when you are all untied you look for Klaus but don't find him.

     "I knew that I couldn't win a fight against the original hybrid, so I had Bonnie curse a knife and when I had the opportunity, I stabbed him with it. It won't kill him but I would imagine that he is feeling a lot of pain right about now." You gasp, thankful that neither one of them got hurt, you hugged Damon with as much strength that you got.

     "Why would you fight for a girl that you just like and don't know that well?" Damon brings your face up so that you are looking into his blue eyes, he then tucks your hair behind your ear and holds your face. "I did, not because I like you but because I love you and I know you plenty well." You grin because if you were honest to yourself you have always loved Damon from the first moment you met him.

     You put your arms around his neck and step on your tippy toes. You both lean in half way and your lips crash on each others. You kiss each other with so much passion  that to an outsider it would look like you guys are saying goodbye forever but really its the opposite, you are having you first kiss starting in a relationship that is so strong and can fight through anything. It a true fairy tale, when the dark night gets the princess.

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