Snow Fight (Kia Imagine)

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      You were currently sitting by the fireplace in your Christmas lodge watching your boyfriend Kia play around in the snow. You saw him eating some of the snow and that made you chuckle. You sighed and went outside, you picked up a snowball and threw it on at him surprising him because he was busy having his head up catching snow and looking like an angle.

      He looked at you with a smirk and picked up and big snowball, you realized what you had just started so you backed up and started to run back to the house but it did not work. The snowball hit you right in the back of your head anyways.

      You bent down and got two snowballs ready and when you turned around a snowball hit you right smack in the face. You threw the snowballs one missing him and the other hitting his chest. You laughed at his expression. You and him started having a snowball fight throwing snowballs everywhere. Then you started running towards a big pile of snow but Kai knocked you down and started tickling you. You started to laugh and begged him to stop tickling you but he wouldn't so you kissed him and he stopped. He looked at you and had a funny expression on his face, "You look like an angel. God I love you so much." You blushed and smiled then you rapped your arms around his neck.

      You gave his lips a peck but he kissed you again with more passion and more love than you have ever experienced. You were kissing for awhile but the cold started to get to you. So you went inside and got some hot chocolate together. After that was all ready you two sat down in front of the fire and stared at it. This was going to be  one of the best Christmas's you have ever had.

      Later on you watched some of the most romantic Christmas movies there ever were and some action Christmas movie. It was overall a good Christmas Eve. You wonder how Christmas would be since you saw the engagement ring in his jacket.

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