I Get Interrogated By This Old Guy

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Hello, little midgets! Today I went to a museum where they showed Egyptian stuff, like mummies of cats and dead bodies of one of the thousands of descendants of Ramsses the Great.

I have nothing to say, except that I've been so incredibly busy. The only time I get to touch a device out of school is nighttime, when I do it in secret.

But I'm still updating!

READ ON, MY LITTLE MIDGETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



We had been cuffed and taken in these huge fifteen-seater vans. I wondered where Calypso was. Had she been hurt? Was she okay?

If anyone hurt her, I would hold them over a slow flame until they scream from the burns.

She can take care of herself though. But most of us had been jumped. Not all of us could run. I had been working in the forge when someone tackled me from behind and cuffed me. Chiron had been knocked out. As far as I knew, he was still lying on Half-Blood Hill. And Rachel. She was still in her paralyzed state. What had happened to her?

Being immobile is the worst, especially when you're ADHD. I had to do something with my hands. But of course, they had been CUFFED behind my BACK.

I think I've expressed that enough.

We were supposedly being taken to Avengers Tower. That had always been an ambition of mine, but I would like to meet a team of superheroes under different circumstances. Quite different circumstances. Certainly not in a smelly van that smelled as if someone had farted.

"Who farted here?" I asked out loud.

"Probably Connor," Travis Stoll said.

"In your wildest dreams," Connor snorted.

An argument raged between Travis and Connor about who farted, since they're very, very mature.

"Well, you're just a stinky poo head!" Connor shouted.

"You're just a big butt!" Travis shot back.

"Oi! Shut up!" the driver yelled at us.

"Why don't we have the freedom to talk?" I yelled back.

"You do! Now shut up!"

"You just told us to shut up, therefore meaning to make us not talk, which is in an attempt to take away our freedom to talk. So you just contradicted what you said," an Athena kid said.

An idea sparked in my head. I sure as heck didn't want to go to Avengers Tower, or not now anyways. I needed to get on this guy's nerves.

"I KNOW A SONG THAT GETS ON EVERYBODY'S NERVES, EVERYBODY'S NERVES. EVERYBODY'S NERVES! I KNOW A SONG THAT GETS IN EVERYBODY'S NERVES AND THIS IS HOW IT GOES, GOES, GOES, GOES!" I sang as loudly and in the most obnoxious voice I could make. Connor and Travis' faces lit up and they joined in. "I KNOW A SONG THAT GETS ON EVERYBODY'S NERVES, EVERYBODY'S NERVES. EVERYBODY'S NERVES! I KNOW A SONG THAT GETS IN EVERYBODY'S NERVES AND THIS IS HOW IT GOES, GOES, GOES, GOES!" Soon everybody in the van had joined in, except for the driver. Thirteen people singing loudly can really be painful. The shouts of the driver were drowned out, but I think he said something about crashing. I dunno, but he kept driving, unfortunately.

We got there after about thirty minutes, and we all jumped out as soon as the doors opened. Yeah, we were in cars without seat belts. Sue us. My throat was getting hoarse.

The bus driver said, "You'll be glad I didn't shoot you. Forward!"

So my plan didn't work.

We went inside the building, and let's just say it looked comfy. As soon as you came in, there were a few couches, a coffee table, a huge TV, and a coffee machine. Apparently, that's not where we were going, since we were headed up an elevator and rounded a few corridors. After my hands were freed, I got shoved in a room that suspiciously looked like those questioning rooms in crime shows. In front of me was a table with two chairs, each on opposite sides. I sat in the chair across from the tinted window that I couldn't see through. There were cameras on the ceilings, not concealed at all. I considered torching one, but then decided against it. Sighing, I drummed my fingers on the table and tapped my foot on the floor simultaneously. Eventually, I got bored and decided to play with some nuts and bolts from my tool belt. I had made a helicopter and someone walked in. Captain America, to be exact.

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