14: nash and cameron

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Hayes pov:
When I woke up, Shelby was asleep with her head on my chest. I slid out from under her and put a pillow there. I decided to go see if Nash and Hayes figured things out. When I went into the living room, I saw Cameron asleep on the couch but Nash wasn't there.
" bro where's Nash?"
I asked shaking Cameron
" oh... He left I don't know where he went."
He said. He rolled over and started going to sleep again.
" okay well if you don't care then Shelby and I will go find him and you can stay here and sleep"
I said. He shrugged before falling back asleep.
I went to go wake up Shelby.
" hey babe wake up."
I said shaking her.
She opened one of her eyes and looked at me.
" yeah?"
She asked stretching. She sat up and kissed my cheek.
" Nash left and we need to find him he left last night and didn't come back."
I said. She started looking really worried. She jumped out of bed and grabbed an outfit from her suitcase. She went into the bathroom to change. I figured I had time to change my shirt. I just got out a plain white v neck t shirt. I changed my shirt and when I was done, Shelby came out of the bathroom looking amazing. It only took her like ten seconds!
" you ready?"
I said slipping in my shoes.
She nodded and slipped on her shoes as well. We left and I left a not for Cameron for when he woke up. We decided to walk since he couldn't have gone that far. Our driver was at his hotel so he had to have walked. We walked down the street until we were at a little cafe. We stopped and got waters before going on. After about an hour of walking, we saw a hotel. Since he wasn't at the house he slept in a hotel. We went in and saw him in the lobby.
" dude what are you doing?"
I asked
" nothing."
He said.
" obviously your doing something! You left and didn't come back and us worried sick!"
Shelby yelled.
" I was just meeting some fans."
He said
" okay whatever Nash but you and Cameron have to start over this you guys are best friends."
I said. He nodded and took a drink of his coffee.
" k bye."
He said waving to us. He gestured for us to leave.
" wow."
I said shaking my head. I grabbed Shelby's hand and we left. We decided to just walk around a little bit. We were close to the grove mall so we decided to shop there. They had a Nike store so I went in there and got a new pair of shoes. They also had a forever 21 so Shelby got some stuff and then we went to Gucci and Prada to look around. Shelby found something and bought it from Gucci and then we decided to call our driver since it was already lunch time. Once he got there, he drove us to a pizza place and we had pizza and then he drove us back to the house.
" so was that a good date?"
I asked
" if it was a date then yes."
Shelby said smiling with her eyes closed. She tripped and fell. I helped her up.
" are you okay?"
I asked trying not to laugh.
" yeah."
She said.
" oh ok good then I can laugh."
I said. I laughed really hard and she glared at me.
" so I still have that plan about that date."
I said. She knew what I was talking about and nodded.
" go get ready we are going somewhere really nice."
I said
She nodded and we went to our rooms to get ready.
Shelby's pov:
Ooh I wonder where he's taking me! I can't wait! I put on a tan colored dress that's tight at the top and loose at the bottom. I put on black Lacey heels and curled my hair old fashioned Hollywood style. I put on red lipstick and I did my eyeliner in a wing.
After I was ready, I went downstairs to see Hayes waiting for me in the living room.
" you look beautiful."
He said kissing my hand
" you don't look to bad yourself."
I said
I pulled out my phone to call my agent.
" hello?"
She said
" this is Shelby."
I said
" oh ok yes dear what do you need?"
She asked sweetly.
" ok listen. What is it about Chad that makes you want me to date only him?"
I asked
" he has blonde hair bright blue eyes, and had huge muscles, works out a lot, and is a model."
She said
" okay but, don't you want me to be happy? What if I dated Chad and then he turned out to be a jerk and like tried to kill me or something?!?"
I asked
" I do want you to be happy. It's just, if you date Chad your career will just keep getting better and better."
She said
" no it won't. Victoria secret ASKED me to be their number one angel AND, I already am a huge model."
I said
" I don't want to start a fight. I want you to be happy. But if you don't date Chad you could be fired."
She said. She hung up. I decided to call Sara. She's another agent that's twenty and she's wonderful. She's nice and works for Wilhelmina which is one of the biggest modeling agencies in the world.
" hey sweetie!"
She said excitedly
" hey listen. I'm going to be fired by my agent if I am could you be my new agent?"
I asked
" of course!"
She said
" thanks so much your a LIFE SAVER!!!"
I said excitedly
I hung up and went on my date with Hayes. We went to an old time Hollywood movie theater so my outfit, makeup, and hair went perfectly with it. Hayes was wearing a black suit with a white button down under the jacket and a black tie. He looked really good as well and had his hair gelled. After the movie, we went to dinner. We went to a super fancy restaurant and got steak.
" okay so the reason I did all of this... Is because I really needed to tell you something."
He said
" I need to tell you something too!"
I said excitedly. He held my hands.
" I... I love you."
He said
" I love you too."
I said smiling from ear to ear. I leaned over and kissed him. We had our steaks and there was press everywhere taking pictures. I leaned over and kissed him just so they could take pictures. We kissed for a couple of minutes and the reporters were clapping.
" are you and Hayes dating?"
They asked
Hayes looked at me scared
" yes."
I said. They all bombarded me with questions.
" do you love him?"
They asked
" yes."
I said.
" have you both admitted that you love each other?"
They asked
" yes that's why we went on this fancy date that my wonderful, boyfriend set up."
I said smiling. Hayes and I were holding hands. I got a call.
" hold on guys I can answer more in a minute."
I said. I went into a quiet hall in the restaurant and answered it. Hayes of course went with me.
" hello?"
I asked
" yes this is genie Ellen's assistant and she would like to know if you would like to be on her show tomorrow since your in L.A."
She said. I squealed
" is that a yes?"
She asked giggling.
" yes!"
I yelled into the phone.
" okay we will see you tomorrow I am emailing you the link now!"
She said excitedly. I hung up and told Hayes what she said. We both got excited and went back out to finish answering questions before leaving.

The jerk I love: A Hayes Grier Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now