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I was sitting up at the kitchen bench with my head in my arms when I nodded off but forced myself to stay awake.

My eyes were burning and my body was dead, literally.

I slowly slid off the stool and made a coffee, draining it in minutes.

My body dragged itself over onto the couch and I switched the TV on, again settling for another series marathon.

It seems like minutes ago I started watching TV but before I knew it, it was hours after that.

Over to my left, a stifled groan came out of Luke.

With the remote frozen mid-air, I looked at him.

His eyelashes fluttered open and Luke sat up, pushing the heels of his hands into his eyes.

As he sat there dealing with the side-effects of being hungover, I couldn't help but notice his features.

His blond hair was all over the place and his black lip ring was as per-usual.

It was extremely difficult not to notice how good his dark blue plaid shirt looked on him.

The top four button were undone, showing some of his tanned chest.

And...oh shit.

His belt was slightly coming off and his underwear waistband was showing.

I stifled a breath and stood up, walking into the kitchen.

"Ahh your awake! I was starting to think you were dead." I said as I put the kettle on and started making him a coffee.

"Uhhhh." Luke rubbed his face with his hands and let his head flop back onto the headrest.

"What the fuck happened?" He said, muffling his words with his hands.


I passed him the coffee, my hands brushing his as I did.

"Me and Calum were having a very relaxing conversation and then you stumbled out drunk as hell. Then you passed out and we had to bring you back here."

Luke looked at me over the rim of his cup.

After he took a gulp and set it on the table, he looked up at me and spoke.

"Well, thank god you didn't take me back home. My parents would've killed me."

I started laughing and Luke let out a breathy laugh too.

"Uh, do you need a shower or something? I can get spare clothes from my brother's room."
I asked awkwardly.

Luke hefted the collar of his plaid shirt and sniffed.

"Ew! I stink like beer." He said dropping his collar.

I showed him the bathroom and then gave him some spare clothes my brother used to have.

I padded up the hall and went in my room to get my phone.

When I walked past the bathroom, I heard the shower water turn on. For some mysterious reason, it relaxed me.

I've always had Calum's number in my contacts.

I used to play soccer with him in school, a few years back.

"Hello?" Calum answered after a few rings.

"Oh hey," I said awkwardly.

Phone calls were not my favourite, compared to all the other apps and ways to speak to people.

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