• T E N •

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| TORI |

I had to work today so I hurried to drop off Jordan and sped to work. I took the stairs this time to get a little work out in . "Hey , Tori . You all right?" Mya smiled , giving me a hug. "I'm fine. " I sighed . "You're early . " She said . I nodded again , "I decided it would speed up time. " I told her. She smiled and walked into her office , closing her door. I started up my computer and opened up the files I had to finish looking at. Just then Bryce walked into my office and took a seat in my chair. "Good morning , Ms.Jay. " I sighed and did a quick smile.

"Good Morning , Bryce." He smiled at me , "No hard feelings?" He questioned. "No hard feelings , Bryce. " He smiled again and played with the souvenirs that were on my desk . "We can be friends." He said simply , " I don't mind that . But you doooo have to get your stinky butt out my chair. I've got a meeting with one of Mya's patients . " I told him . Bryce laughed at me , got up and pushed the chair forward. He held his arms out wide asking for a hug so I gave him one and rested my head on his shoulder.

For some reason . It felt good hugging him . Really good . A knock at my door sent me back to reality and I let go of the hug . Bryce left my office , and let Mya's client in. "Hey , Mrs.Kesion. How are you today?" I smiled , inviting her in.

H o u r s L a t e r

I went home after picking up dinner and Jordan. I pulled inside my driveway , parked , grabbed Jordan , the food and went inside . Jojo seemed tired so I made sure he ate dinner and went to bed early . I started to clean up his toys but my doorbell rang and I went to go answer it. I opened the door and there was an old woman standing on my porch. "Hello. Uh , May I help you ? " I questioned. "Tori ? Is that you ?" She asked . "Mommy... " Jordan came behind me and hugged my leg softly. The woman's mouth dropped to the floor and she squatted down waving at Jordan. "I'm sorry, Who are you?" I asked her. She smiled small . She couldn't take her eyes off JoJo but once she did she looked me in my eyes and smiled small again , "My name is Karen. " My face curled. I didn't know a Karen.

"Josiah's mother."

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