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| T O R I |

I woke up and my vision was blurry but when it got clear all I seen was Marquise hitting Josiah in the face and I remember Josiah laughing . I could see blood all over Josiah's face that went to Mark's knuckles. I slowly crawled over there silently pleading him to stop. My head hurt so bad. . . I could hardly see anything. "Tori. . . . . . . Can you hear me , Tori?" Mya asked , holding me close. "Where's Jordan... Jordan... Where's my son?" I whispered. I tried standing up and walking but within seconds I fell to the floor. I touched the back on my head and it was bleeding . . .

"Dammit. Clean this up . Clean it up , Mark . Please watch Raelyn & Jordan. I need to take Tori to the hospital. " Mya told him and he nodded. I remember Mya taking me inside the car and sped to the hospital. She made a few phone calls on the way there but I couldn't really hear what she was saying. Mya held my hand as she drove and kept squeezing it so I would stay awake... But my head was pounding and I seen more blood every time I went to touch it.

| M Y A |

I stayed in that hospital room all night long. I called everybody. I really didn't have time to listen to what ANYBODY had to say. Nobody was about to treat my girls like that. I sat in the lobby for about 2 hours and the doctor finally came to confront me and tell me if Tori was okay. "Mrs.Williams? Hello , How are you . My name is Dr.Lou and I had been operating on Tori Jay for you. Unfortunately , Tori had a concussion. We managed to stop the bleeding but there's really nothing we can do except give her pain pills when she manages to wake up again. "

I was kind of shocked , but I was prepared for whatever was going to happen. "Is she okay? Please tell me she is okay. " I said. He sighed , "She's fine. Don't stress yourself... She just needs more rest. Please don't try to force a conversation , We are not sure if she remembers what happened. " I nodded and kept listening to what he said. "Come back tomorrow , we should have her off treatment tomorrow. " I nodded and walked away biting my nails a bit. On the way to the exit I bumped into the one and only , Bryce.

I sighed and stopped him because it looked like he was about to have a fit. "She's fine , Bryce. Calm down. " He paused and looked at me , "She's fine--- She fine. Right. She fine. What happened , yo?"  I hesitated to tell him . So I decided to keep my mouth shut. Tori wouldn't want him all in their business. " Nothing . She just fell.. We can all see her tomorrow so , I'll call you. Go get some sleep... " I told him , patting him on the shoulder. Bryce sighed and walked away trying to get a glimpse of where Tori was at.

I went home. I was honestly exhausted. I needed to make sure my family was okay . I went to see if anybody was at Tori's house but I didn't see anything . Josiah walked out from the side of the house and just stared at me. Turning his neck a bit. I flicked him off , though and walked away. I don't have time for his shit. I'd beat his ass if I hadn't just got my nails done. I walked inside my house and Marquise gave me a big hug and kiss before I went to bed. Walking upstairs I seen Raelyn sleeping in her bed and Jordan sleeping on the little couch I have in her room . Before I knew it I was knocked out , ready to see Tori in the morning.

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