12th Day of The First Month

30 3 2


I got sunburnt yesterday. I'm on holidays obviously and have been beaching a lot.


don't ever put sand in your bed it is not nice. trust me.

also my hair was super curly yesterday I was in love and giggled like a little girl ALL day! I was vvvv happy. And I'm happy today as well.
Ahhhhhhh holidays are nice.

I just finished the Selection by Kiera Cass. It was better than I thought it would be so I highly recommend. It's set in the future so kind of dystopian??? But with princesses???
dystopian X princess = the selection.

I've started Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell for the second time. I'm much more into it this time. Last time I only read a few chapters.

There were a few issues last night, nothing big but I got really upset. I haven't told any of my friends that I was upset last night, so I thought I'd put it here. Easier than going on and on about it.
I like people to know when I've been upset though. *shrugs*
Don't ask about it though, it's all sorted out know.
(gosh I'm so demanding of attention I cry I'm sorry)

Anywho, buh-bye for now xx


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