the rollercoaster.

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you hate rollercoasters.
you hate the bumps,
the ups and downs,
the twisty turns,
the loop-to-loops
and the stomach dropping
feeling that comes with
being up above the world so high.

you hate rollercoasters.
and yet, you are one.
people line up, line up
to climb aboard and be tossed around.
some people love it.
some people hate it.
lots of people leave feeling sick.
lots of people keep coming back for more;
they keep coming back for
the dizziness
and the adrenaline. 

you hate rollercoasters.
and it's ironic
because you are a rollercoaster.
you make me wait in a line.
only to be tossed around
like a little doll.
you make me feel sick,
all rollercoasters do.
everyday, people come
and they check on you and dote on you.
they make sure that you're safe
and that no one will be hurt
if they choose to ride you.
these people are not very good
at their jobs.
my hands go clammy
and my heart drops.
not because I'm in love with you.
but because I'm nervous
and you have that affect.

you hate rollercoasters.
you are a rollercoaster.


hello!! so I've been thinking a lot and this poem came about from all this thinking.
it isn't very good but I enjoyed writing it. I enjoy writing poetry.

anywho, thanks for reading!! hope you enjoyed this mess of a poem.

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