some sneaky facts about moi.

18 4 3

30 of them.
was tagged by fizzy-tea
let's a go!

1. I go to an all-girls school.

2. I got into a fight with one of my internet friends about who invented pavlova; new zealand or australia? she ended up blocking me. she refuses to unblock me rip

3. panic! at the disco were the guys who really got me into music. before I discovered them, I didn't really know what music I liked. so, I hold panic! really close to my heart.

4. reading slumps are the worst™ and I'm currently in one and have been for the past few months. I hate it.

5. I wear glasses!!! bc I can't see things that are far away!!! fizzy-tea and I once swapped glasses and I got the biggest headache afterwards. she ran into her school bag while wearing mine though so hA.

6. I saw twenty one pilots on 21-4-16 (or if I was American 4-21-16. I feel so cool writing it like that).

7. my ringtone is I write sins and it has embarrassed me in public a few times. one time in a bookshop, it just started blaring. never in my life have I scrambled to answer a phone so fast.

8. Namjoonsjams and I once got chips and gravy and ate them in big w while looking at the books and I dropped heaps of them on the ground. sorry big w.

9. if you're ever going to buy me food and don't know what to get: buy me chips and gravy.

10. my hair is red I guess?? but some days it looks almost brown it's weird.

11. I'm listening to milk and cookies by melanie martinez as I write this.

12. I am now listening to glowing eyes by twenty one pilots which is a song I adore.

13. I fucking love chocolate milkshakes but??? honestly some shops don't know how to make them right like I can't taste any chocolate in that uM

14. I have a dog named Bear she's a puppy still. she's mentioned in this book a couple of chapters back.

15. I have freckles ew

16. my bedroom has one wall that is painted pink pinstripes

17. I have a pink mosquito not over my bed bc yOLO (I'm sorry)

18. I have a notebook with lots of short film ideas that I never write scripts for bc I'm too lazy. I hate that I'm too lazy and I need to motivate myself there somehow.

19. folie á deux and infinity on high are my favourite fob albums.

20. the sheets on my bed atm are white with pink and red polka dots.

21 (pilots ayyyy I'm trash sorry).
my favourite flavour of ice cream is mint choc-chip.

22. shrek 2 is so good though??? wtf???? apparently as a little kid I watched shrek so many times that my older brother knew all the words to it. worrying information.

23. my grandma is amazing at sewing and quilting and stuff and she always makes me gorgeous quilts!!! that I adore!!!

24. I kind of enjoy stacking the dishwasher? like its a pain bUT I just love making it so neat and even.

25. I hate the subject geography so so so so so so so much.

26. my least favourite panic! album is probably twtltrtd but???? there are songs I like on there. so it could be pretty odd instead??? but I adore some of the songs on that album!!! so it really depends on my mood.

27. I used to like halsey's music but now idk??? I'm just not into it anymore?? nothing against her, she makes good music but I'm just not with it anymore.

28. my fridge at home is coated in photographs of myself, my brothers and my parents. also school notes. and shitty magnets that only hold themselves up.

29. after I do this I'm going to bring in washing off the clothesline.

30. okay last one... if marina diamindis asked me to marry her I would say yes. even if I had no idea who she was, I would say yes. yes a million times. yes a billion times. sure she's a lot older than me but???? it's marina she's gorgeous and so nice omfksicodr and when she swears in her songs I could die right then and there because GAH. I love marina and her music so much bye.
here's a picture of her bc why not:

okay!!!!!! that's 30 questions, done!

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okay!!!!!! that's 30 questions, done!

I tag:
and anyone else who wants to do it!!!

shine with lizzie-luminatorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin