three things.

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the picture above is a cake I baked the other day. I'm proud of it. it tastes really fucking good.

I was tagged by planetross to:
list three things I dislike about myself.
this should be interesting. and negative. don't read if you don't want to read anything negative

1. my face when I don't have glasses on. I don't know why. i liked my face just fine before I got glasses when I was 10. I think in year 8, when I started wearing glasses full time was when I got insecure about it. my face looks chubbier without them on and my eyes look weird because you can see the bags under my eyes. I don't like it much. but I'll get over it.

2. how clingy and jealous I can become. it's annoying. and it annoys some people. I often wonder if anyone actually likes. if people are just friends with me because they don't want to hurt my feelings.

and lastly, 3. when I was thinking about what I would say for this tag, the last to come to mind was my voice. sometimes I quite like my voice. other times, I dislike it. it's annoying. and whinge-y. and my laugh is like the grossest thing ever I'm surprised no one has tried to tease me about it.

so there we have it, three things I hate about myself. I tag anyone who wants to do it.

shine with lizzie-luminatorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin