Forever or Never: 07

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Buttoning up a shirt which was way too big for her, Mercy shrugged, only shrugging caused the neckline to slip. She fumbled with numb fingers to pull it back. She ideally didn't wish to walk around with half her collarbone and shoulder on show.

Pulling up the trousers she looked down at them with a raised eyebrow. Honestly, they weren't as bad as they looked. She had been in the bathroom for a while scrutinizing them. They were so...strange to her. Obviously the thought of wearing such an item of clothing caused her a moments pause.

Walking out of the bathroom with her clothes tucked under her arm she paused and looked at a nearby desk with a frown. "Why are there a pair of eyes looking at me?" She asked while both Victor and Igor turned to her. She turned on slightly wobbly legs and looked between them. "What the Hell have you been doing?!" She exclaimed and looked at the eyes, which were suspended in some sort of clear liquid with wires running from them, and out of the glass case they were in. She didn't like them. Oh, no, she really didn't like them. "Who's even are they?! Wait...where did you even get them from? Wait,, I don't want to know..." Mercy let out a feeble noise when one took to hanging her clothes to dry by the fire, while the other guided her to the couch.

They had somehow managed to set up a little bed, of some sort. They turned the couch so it was facing the fire, and they'd placed spare cushions and pillows up one end, with numerous blankets and covers awaiting her.

Settling down, she buried herself in the pillows and wrapped up tightly in the blankets. She was suddenly warm, well, warmer than she was moments ago. Shutting her eyes she fell silent, though she wasn't asleep she was merely enjoying the silence, and the sudden warmth.

"Thank you, Igor." The dark haired man looked away from the fire to her when he heard her. She'd opened an eye and it was looking over to him, while the rest of her face was buried in the pillow. "If you weren't with me, Lord only knows what could've happened. So thank you."

"You could've just simply got a cab." Victor said while crossing his arms after he had put a piece of cloth over the eyes.

Mercy lifted her head up and looked at him with narrowed distant looking eyes. "Brilliant idea, Victor. Because the last time I was in something like that, it ended so well, didn't it?"

"That was a one off, and you know it."

"Forget it," she muttered. "I wouldn't expect you to get it." She laid back down and shut her eyes.

Igor looked at her with a concerned expression and eyes, he glanced over to Victor who seemed to be frowning darkly at her. Getting a nod from him, Igor got the message and retreated out of the room and to the kitchen. Perhaps a warm drink, or something warm to eat would make her feel better?

"You do realise that by me being here I am missing out on a lesson?"

"I don't need babying." Mercy replied while watching as he sat on the edge of the couch again. "Come off it, you're more than pleased to ditch a lesson. I mean...why would you want to learn from people who you seem to believe are complete and utter idiots?" She added as an after thought while turning to lay on her back again and looking up at him.

Victor looked somewhat amused by her words. "I believe you are getting better already." He commented with a nod while leaning to the side and managing to rest his arm on the back of the couch.


"Hm?" He looked down at her, he had just been looking about, half wondering where Igor had actually disappeared to.

"I'm sorry." At this he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. With a fidget she managed to sit up, though it caused her head to hurt, slightly, she did it regardless. Leaning forwards she looked up at him. "I didn't mean to call you self conceited and selfish..."

"Yes, you did. Don't lie." Victor smiled thinly at her while reaching up and managing to gently pull the neckline of the shirt up to a sensible position.

Mercy shook her head slowly, "But a selfish man wouldn't be ditching a lesson to make sure I was doing all right. Nor would a self conceited man willingly hold a bucket as I emptied my stomach into it. Or, in fact, a selfish man wouldn't be staying close by." Mercy whispered quietly, talking any louder actually hurt.

"Apology accepted."

"I think I deserve one in return." Mercy said with a stiff smile.

Victor sighed and hung his head, nodding slowly he fidgeted and looked to her. Awkwardly smiling, he went to say something only to shut his mouth again. With a cough, he smiled again and nodded, again. "I understand we all see things differently, that we all have different things which drive us and things we are passionate about. I shouldn't have shot down something you love so flippantly."

Mercy frowned, "I think that was an apology. Accepted, regardless." She smiled and whined when he reached up and rather childishly decided to gently ruffle her already ruffled hair. "With that being said though, the eyes are really creepy." Mercy said while awkwardly turning and looking over to where they now sat hidden. "That's your work?" She looked sceptically at him.

Victor nodded, putting a hand on her shoulder, he managed to coax her to lay back down. "It's to do with it, yes."

"What's the point?" Mercy asked with a quiet yawn. She moved her hands away from her mouth just as Victor pulled the blankets up and over her.

"I think that's for another day, when you're feeling better." He said while leaning against his knees and smiling at her.



"Thank you for letting me stay for the time being."

"I wouldn't have you resting anywhere else."

"Not even my own home?" Mercy asked with a tired smile as it was clear she was slowly drifting off.

Victor smiled, only she could still converse while going to sleep. "You'd be ignored at your home." He said, his smile slowly turning to a frown. "No one would keep an eye out for you, in case you took a turn for the worse. At least here you've got not only one, but two rather medical savvy people present." Victor said while her head slowly fell to the side as she became fully relaxed. Though she did smile at this, so she wasn't totally asleep yet. "They'll come for you, I know. But until then, just rest, Mercy." He reached out and gently tucked some wayward locks of hair behind her ear.

Mercy let out a tired laugh which turned into another quiet yawn. "Hm, yes, Doctor Frankenstein." She mumbled tiredly while huddling more into the pillows and blankets. Victor couldn't help but smile, that had quite a good ring to it. But yet again, trust her to joke when she was clearly now more asleep than awake.

Hearing footsteps he looked up at Igor. Victor smiled kindly at the young man. "I don't think she's going to have much use for that, Igor. Not now, at least." Victor said gesturing to the steaming mug in Igor's hand. He looked at it, then at her and shrugged. Turning away he took to drinking the tea instead. It wasn't going to be totally a waste of time, which caused Victor to smile and shake his head as he looked one last time from Mercy's sleeping form to Igor as he sat down in a nearby chair.

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