Forever or Never: 39

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"You know, when I was a child my mother always used to sing to me. This is before she became a drug addled idiot."

"I'm afraid I can't sing, if that's what you were hinting at." Victor said while leaning away from Mercy's head and looking down at her, she smiled and laughed lightly. She'd been awake for about an hour, having slept for about three. It seemed the slight rest had done her some good. Though still pale looking, and still commenting about feeling sick, she had improved in character. She wasn't so blunt and short with her words. Though she was definitely more lethargic, which caused him a moments pause. He placed the back of his hand against her forehead and pressed his lips into a thin line, she still had a temperature, but it wasn't as bad as it was.

"Maybe if you were drunk...?"

"Only if I were drunk," Victor said while she laughed again and shook her head before wincing. "No sudden movements, Mercy. Take it easy." He said quietly while pressing her head gently back against his shoulder. There was no resistance whatsoever, she simply laid against him with her eyes shut. "Did it ever make you feel better?"

"Happy. It made me feel happy. And when I was unwell, it was a thankful distraction. It's a shame you can't sing, I think it could've been quite hilarious to see." Mercy quipped with a smirk, not that he could see it as she buried her face against his chest.

Victor sighed and leaned his head back against the seat, shutting his eyes momentarily he opened them suddenly when he realised the carriage was slowing down. He wasn't alone in noticing, "Calm down, Mercy, it's okay," she had tensed in his lap and seemed fit to jumping off and bolt for it. He didn't quite know when she had become so skittish, but he supposed considering everything that had happened, her dispositions weren't what they used to be.

Looking to the window when the driver appeared, Victor frowned, the driver frowned back. "Need to water the horses and get something to eat. You're more than welcome to get out too. We've been on the road enough for no one to catch us..." The driver said while letting that sentence hang in the air as he turned away and walked off leaving them to it.

"He's a charming fellow, isn't he? Bloody hell, you can definitely tell he's employed by Finnegan. The  lack of manners between them is almost painful." Mercy said while looking over her shoulder at the window. She wanted to make sure the driver wasn't still present, she was rather sure he'd have no trouble shouting some sort of response back; he generally seemed like that sort of man. Though Mercy was more than sure that Victor would back her corner, even still, getting into arguments with the man driving the carriage didn't seem like a wise idea.

He already clearly didn't like her. And she was more than certain that considering they were now heading into the countryside, that he'd find all the horrible winding turning lanes to go down; even if they didn't need to, the man seemed like he'd be that mean, horrible, and sadistic.

"Well," Victor said while patting her legs gently. She turned her face to look at him, he smiled. "Fresh air might do you good." He said while helping her sit in the seat by his side. She swayed slightly, he kept a hand on her shoulder in case she collapsed into herself, yet she seemed to stay upright. He opened the door and jumped down the steps lightly before turning and holding his hands out to her. "Baby steps," he whispered and got a light hearted glare sent his way. She evidently was feeling better if she could playfully glare. Yet she nodded and slid along the seat to where he was just sitting before slowly standing up, she clutched onto the handrail near the door before side stepping slowly down the steps. All the while Victor stood there waiting with arms outstretched to her in case she fell or stumbled.

She stepped foot on solid floor and wrapped her arms around herself, she pulled Igor's coat more around herself and looked about with wide eyes. "Where are we?"

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