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Finally, a modern movie! And the first one out of the 3 that I've seen. You know - one of these days I'll challenge myself to watch every movie in this book. :) Website: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0936501/  AND as always the soundtrack is from it. There was actually some really lame soundtracks for this movie, I kid you not. I don't want heavy metal! :P Enjoy!

"I thought," Father's voice is scarcely controlled. In the tiny room, his voice is almost shaking the walls. "I thought you were finished acting so immaturely. Obviously I was wrong. VERY wrong. How could you do this to us?"

I hang my head as only a truly sorry daughter can do when she's being scolded by her giant father.

He reaches forward to pull off my mask. "Where did you find this, anyway? Never mind." He holds up a hand. "What I do mind is you sneaking around dressed like a...an outlaw, one of those hideous lawbreakers." He gestures to the mask with distaste. "What's more, everyone expects you to be on your best behaviour. This was your birthday. How do you not realize who you are? You are a princess. I do not care if you don't like the position you are in. What I do care, is how you uphold that position. And tonight, you have shamed us all with your frivilous conduct. What must the Lords and Ladies think?" He brushes a hand over his forehead. "They must be talking amonst themselves now. And Anna and I will be the disgrace of the whole town. All because of this one foolish act."

Mother touches the mask. Her eyes have a particular icy look, but her face hasn't changed from its ashy white. "My darling..."

"No, Anna." Father interrupts sternly. "There is no darling in our girl at this moment. And what of the men? Did you find a suitor? Not that you should pick. For your behaviour tonight, I should marry you off to a man who knows how to put you in your place."

"Y... yes." My voice stutters. "There was one. A mysterious stranger in a mask. He did not tell me his name." 

Father frowns. "A mask? I do not remember inviting a masked man to dance with our daughter."

"I did not either." Mother says. "My pick would be Lord Dancourt."

"I danced with him just after fat... I mean - Lord Lavenport." I say, wiping a tear that hasn't managed to get out of my eyes yet, off my face.

"Find this accursed stranger!" Father roars. "Some man has danced with my daughter that we did not ordain!" He turns back to me. "As for you, you are in disgrace. We will speak no further on the subject until we are once again at the castle." He storms from the room.

I can't help it after that, I burst into tears. Mother automatically puts her hand around my shoulders and lets me cry on her.

"Darling, you must understand your father. He doesn't mean to yell. But, you were immature and irresponsible. As a princess, it is your job to uphold everything that us, as the nobility, stand for. That is, respect, honour and dignity. We expect you to act a certain way. I'm sorry you can't have a better life, but soon you will be married with children of your own, and you will appreciate the words I say to you know."

"I hate it, Mother." I sob. "I hate how we're so reverred and looked up to. I know I'm not a good role model. But I can't help it. Why can't Evangeline have taken the role? She's better than I am. She's cut out for this. And I'm not."

"We can't help who we are." Mother kisses my forehead. "We can only change us, not everyone else's opinions."

We both look up as there's a peircing scream that penetrates the walls. It's followed by dozens of others. We both walk hurriedly to the door and look out. The ballroom is in chaos. There are people running in every direction. Father rushes past us, face flushed. "Where is Charles?!" He thunders.

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