chapter 5

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(louis pov)

I got a text it was from Morgan it said hey I chose not to awnser it.I don't know why but I did.

"hey lou whatcha doin?"harry asked

"oh uhhhh nothing Morgan just texted me."

"are you going to awnser her?"


"why not?"

"I didn't feel like it."

"but she misses you a lot."

"how do you know?"

"myesha told me! she said that Morgan wouldn't eat or come out of her room she is totally depressed about you leaveing her."

"but she said she was happy for me?"

"well I guess she lied about it."

"well I miss her too but...I can't talk to her right now I'm a vampiar she is a human were different."

"change her then."

"I will as soon as we get back."

"ok I'm just telling soon as you get back morgans is going to want to have sex with you."

"ok and I will change her then but first I have to perpose to her can you help me find a ring?"

"uhhh sure make sure its not silver."

"ok ttyl.'

"k brb soon."

"k bye."



"yeah what is it."

"should I call Morgan?"

"not to day but tomorrow."

"awwwwww ok."

I walked up the stares and ran to my room.I didn't know Morgan felt that way.I need to go back home I think.

I called harry

"hey harry."

"hey what's wrong don't tell me your going to leave."

"I was thinking about it."

"are you."

"yeah I am I'm leaveing tomorrow."

"I'm going with you."

"ok hey how did you know I was leaveing?"

"its a vampiar thing remember every vampiar has it. you were thinking it."

"oh yeah forgot. we need contacx and fake teeth."

"yeah ill go get some see you later bye lou."

"bye hazza."I Hung up the phone and layed down I closed my eyes I know vampiars don't sleep. but I don't care I miss sleep and draming of Morgan and stuff mostly of her thow its was the only way for me to be happy when I was gone and still a human.I got back up and started to pack I got all my clothes in my suit case.

"hey Lo... what are you doing?!"niall yelled

"I'm packing so I can leave I miss Morgan and ... and I want to Change her ok!"

"if your leaveing all of us are!"

"ok then tell the others.and pack up your shit ok."I smiled at how I said shit in the sentance.

"oh they already know I told them."

"oh ok see you in a little bit."

"where leaveing as soon as harry gets here is that ok?"

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