chapter 31

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(Morgan's pov)

I changed Lynn.holy fuck I changed Lynn!What's niall going to say I just can't leave her hear.I picked her up and layed her in the back seat of the rang rover.I drove to the house and picked her up fireman style and carryed her in the house in the middle of know were.I layed her down on the couch.I was the only one home.Every one left to go out even Eddy went with them. I watched Lynn the whole time I got a blood bag ready for her and new clothes that I found.It had been a hour and five minutes.I turned on the tv.I watched the titanic.

"Morgan?"I looked around to see that Lynn was up.I handed her the blood bag and clothes.She took them gladly and drank it and put them on.I gave her an other one she drank that down too.

"So hows it feel?"I asked

"What feel?"

"being a vampier duhhh?"I said

"Good I guess?"

"Good."I smiled wide at her

"what is it morg?"she asked

"I got married a few days ago plus your an aunt."I said

"I'm a what?"

"A.U.N.T"I spelled out

"So your preggers?"

"No,I had the baby when we wrent talking to each other."I said

"Oh congrats Morgan.boy or a girl and what's his/her name?"she asked

"His name is Edward James Jawaad Tomlinson."I said

"Awwww Morgan I'm so happy for you."she squealed

"Thanks Lynn I've missed you so much!This is why I didn't talk to you.its because we are all vampires and we don't want to be expossed to human society I'm sorry I didn't talk to you."I said

"It's ok morgs."a car door slams I got up and ran to open the door I look out side.I see Nialls carrying Eddy.Harry is carrying Louis and Liam is walking behind them and I'm pritty sure zayn is with perri right now.Harry comes in and put Lou down in frount of me.I pull him into a hug then grab his hand and lead him to the Living area.He locked eyes with Lynn so did Harry.

"Hey Guys!What's wrong?"Niall asked I turned around and took Eddy out of Nialls hand and moved out of the way.I also grabed Louis' hand and pulled him to the couch.I sat on his lap.I looked over at Niall his mouth was a gape.He ran over to Lynn and huged her big and tight.This is the first time in a long time.......

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