chapter 15

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(Louis' pov)

where on the last month of Morgan's pregnancy. Morgan is on bed rest and she is more moody then ever.

"Louis!"Morgan yelled

"yeah babe?"

"I'm hungery."

"what do you want?"

"human food."

"like what kind?"

"NANDOS!"she shouted

"ok,ill get you some sweetie ill be back."I walked out of the room and into nialls.

"hey niall can you go to nandos and get chicken?for me."

"sure mate see you later." niall left

*half hour later*

niall came into the house with two bags of chicken what the fuck!

"niall I said some chicken not a lot!"I yelled

"but...but there was a deal and I couldn't say no."

"ugh fine just give me a wing ok."niall handed me a wing I ran up stares to Morgan.

"here's your nandos."I gave her the wing she divowered it

"thanks Lou your the best."

"your welcome babe." I walked up to her and layed down next to her.Morgan snuggled up to me.

"now go to sleep babe." Morgan closed her eyes.Morgan feel asleep I just watched her sleep.......

how was it?


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