chapter 26

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(Niall's pov)

I'm to sad.I can't take it any more!I need Lynn its been a year and a mounth since I last saw her.I can't take it anymore.I stormed out of my room.I grabed the keys.I jumped into the car.I drove to lynns flat.I hoped out of the car and ran up the stare case to her door.I knocked on the door.A lady came out.

"Hello?is there a Lynn liveing hear?"

"No but she did move out."

"Were did she go?"

"To collage she lives in a dorm. who are you?"

"I'm one of her friends and she dosent awnser her phone anymore."I lied

"oh?She live in room 15A."she said

"Ok, who are you?"I asked nicely

"I'm her Aunt.I'm watching matches."



"Wait what collage?"

"The only collage in London."

"oh ok."I ran away.Got into the car and drove to the collage.I repeted 15A.The whole time.I got there I walked into the dorms for the girls.some of them screamed my name but I ignored them.I got to dorm 15A.I knocked a boy awnsered without his shirt off.

"hello may I help you?"

"Yeah uhh is there a Lynn that lives here?"

"yeah.may I take a message?"

"No I need to see her?"

"what's your name son?"he asked

"you tell me yours first."

"Kyle my name is Kyle."he said

"Oh hi my name is Niall."

"Babe who's at the door?"someone that sounded like Lynn yelled

"oh its this Niall guy."I heard a thump like something droped

"just let me talk to her?"I asked

"Fine come in."he said I walked in Lynn was on the floor in a ball crying.Did I do this to her?I walked over to her.but she pushed me way from her.witch hurt badly.

"I think you should leave."Kyle said

"No I think you should leave Kyle."I said

"Yes Kyle leave I need to talk to Niall."Lynn said Kyle walked out I stood up so did Lynn.she took her fist and hit my arm witch didn't hurt at all.

"ow that hurt!"she yelled

"Lynn I need to talk to you."I said

"what do we possibley have to talk about?!"she shouted

"First is that I still love you Lynn and I was wrong for leaveing you and not talking to you."I said"I have a lot to tell you I mean it."

"well,Niall its to late to apologize.I have a boyfriend and I'm happy."she said that was like a plow the the face.

"Lynn I love you....I need to tell you that Morgan...."I paused because Lynn interupted me

"I don't want to hear about Morgan!and I don't want to talk to you!"

"can I at least have your phone number?"

"No get away." I didn't get away I stayed right next to her.I pulled her into a hug.She thrashed around in my arms then she stoped and huged back.she broke down.Lynn cryed and cryed.........

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